New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Feb 12, 2011 12:45 PM
Joined: Feb 12, 2011
Points: 6
Hello, I am a new member here, but have read through tons of threads on latex mattresses.  My husband and I were going to buy a latex mattress from Costco based on the good reviews we read here and the no hassle and no risk return policy at Costco.  The Sleep Science latex mattresses were sold out on Costco for the past few months and when I went on to look today, there are new mattresses with a different picture, and a slightly different name "Sleep Science 10" Latex Comfort" vs. "Sleep Science 10" Natural Comfort Latex Mattress".  There is however still a twin version of the old mattress with the same name available.  I compared the two and noticed that the old one had four layers of latex, while this new version contains two layers of latex and one layer of polyurethane foam.  I'm disappointed because I was hoping for a fully natural latex mattress - I'm just curious if anyone on the forum has ordered one of the NEW Sleep Science latex mattresses from Costco or anything similar that has layers of both latex and polyurethane foam and what the difference is.  Thank You 
Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #1 Feb 14, 2011 3:56 PM
Joined: Jan 3, 2010
Points: 4
I would also be interested in anyone that has feedback on this mattress.  I am disappointed taht the old 100% latex mattress isn't there any more (except in a twin size), but maybe this is a similar mattress for slightly less cost.
Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #2 Feb 18, 2011 6:58 PM
Joined: Feb 18, 2011
Points: 2
Do you're homework on organic "natura"l latex mattresses.  Most so called latex mattresses are a blend....not 100%natural latex.  A mattress that is 100% latex is going to cost more because latex is expensive.  I have created bedrooms for my family that have good quality mattress that are natural and organic and it has changed our lives.....I'm not wealthy, just committed.  Polyurethane  a material used in nearly all baby mattresses, is widely considered to be one of the most toxic and environmentally unfriendly plastics in use today.  Invest in 100% latex mattress (they last forever)  and create a non toxic bedroom.  FYI..Polyurethane foam (essentially solid petroleum) is extremely flammable. To combat this hazard, industrial toxic fire retardants are added. The most common chemical fire retardant used to treat polyurethane foam has been pentaBDE, a toxin associated with hyperactivity and neuro-behavioral alterations. PentaBDE is not bound to the foam, and leaches out into the surrounding air.  YUCK!!!
Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #3 Feb 19, 2011 7:11 AM
Joined: Feb 12, 2011
Points: 6
Thanks but my question was specifically about the new Sleep Science mattress at Costco.  Unfortunately, I think it's so new that no one on this forum has had a chance to try it out.  If anyone does try the new Sleep Science latex comfort mattress from Costco, please let me know what you think.
Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #4 Mar 5, 2011 8:16 AM
Joined: Feb 12, 2011
Points: 6

bump.  has anyone tried the NEW latex mattress from Costco?  Consisting of latex on top of foam?

Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #5 Mar 14, 2011 2:50 PM
Joined: Mar 14, 2011
Points: 6
deux wrote:



bump.  has anyone tried the NEW latex mattress from Costco?  Consisting of latex on top of foam?

i took a shot in the dark and ordered it online did so much research and laying on so many mattress i'm just frustrated with the process i'd figure what the hell if i don't like costco has the best return policy.   I just can't afford to spend more than 1500 on a king mattress but i emailed the sleep science here is what they said regardin  the specs.  I did like PLB nature but $2200 for a king is a ripp off IMO considering the times we are in i bet these things cost nearly nothing to make all about supply and demand since "latex" beds are now the IT mattress.  I bet latex matress 5 years ago were significantly cheaper sorry for venting this process is causing me PTSD lol


South bay international says"

comfort layer 

4" inch total layer of dunlop

2" top layer -   Dunlop 19 ILD

2" 2nd layer -  Dunlop 24 ILD


6"  HR Polyurethane base - type  Petroleum based. 1.8 lb polyurethane 32 ILD/IFD

they said it will be here in 5 days hoepfully i made a good choice but if not i can return it "go to love costco"






Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #6 Mar 16, 2011 9:14 AM
Joined: Mar 16, 2011
Points: 1
We are in the same boat as you.  I am also looking at this mattress item #564857 without the frame or #564883 with the frame.



Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #7 Mar 16, 2011 2:51 PM
Joined: Mar 14, 2011
Points: 6
Vanteer wrote:

We are in the same boat as you.  I am also looking at this mattress item #564857 without the frame or #564883 with the frame.




i will let you know how it goes oredered it sunday said it will be here friday all the way from Ca but no "white glove" service perhaps since it is b/c its vacummed packed in a box but the FED Ex tracker states it is 127lbs (thats heavy)  wish they white glove serice with this mattress going to need a dolly to get this thing set up lol



Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #8 Mar 18, 2011 10:04 PM
Joined: Mar 14, 2011
Points: 6
well it just came in its like sleeping on the floor i mean it says firm but man they should just say its like sleeping on the "floor" lol i hope Costco can take this brick back and its back to the drawing board.  Interestingly its still too firm even with a 3" 14 ild talay topper i've added to it.  It did however expand quickly to 10" iwithing 15 minuts no smell and good quality just too FIRM.   anyone return matress to costco online how quick are they to take it back and return your money back to you card?  On another note we really loved the latex bliss natural ILD isn't a consistent measurement amongst manufactures that for sure basically the same ILD as the pure latex bliss one but the costco version is 10x firmer probably dunlop vs talalay.  not sure what to do now maybe we'll just purchase a costco inner spring plush and throw our 3" talay topper on it would be a hell of a lot cheaper ughh this process is causing me trauma lol



Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #9 Mar 27, 2011 6:50 PM
Joined: Mar 27, 2011
Points: 1
I too just ordered this bed.  We gave it the old college try for three weeks since we consider ourselves to be people that like firm beds.

Gotta' agree with other posters; this thing is like sleepingon the ground.  Way too firm. 


Going to return it and try their memory foam products also by Sleep Science.

Re: New Costco Sleep Science Latex Reformulated
Reply #10 Mar 29, 2011 8:45 AM
Joined: Mar 14, 2011
Points: 6
good luck on the return i've already informed Costco online and sleep science i want to return this Brick both by email and phone on Sat the March19 still no email from either of them regarding when they are going to pick it up.  I'm getting a little upset i hope your experience is better i might have to rent a lowes pickup and drag it to me local costco myself.   So far the return policy hasn't been what i was expecting from costco online can anyone else chime in on their experience i mean they aleady charged my credit card and got my money!

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