New DIY Latex/Foam Design
Feb 18, 2012 10:40 AM
Joined: Feb 18, 2012
Points: 6
Details:  Me 5'11" 295lbs... Her 5'7" 200lbs...

Reason: Our 8 year old traditional mattress is sagging in the middle even without anyone on it.  I have started sleeping on the couch since the bed causes me lower back pains (and being in the doghouse most of the time).

Based on the information I am learning on this forum, I am leaning towards doing a DIY setup from FBM.  When I did the designer from flobeds, I got this as the recommendation:

I don't plan on starting with the topper zoning, I will only go to that if I can't find a solution with both agree on with full sheets.  I do plan on using TwinXL beds to seperate her side from my side due to the weight differences.

I was thinking the following:

  • Topper:  My side (3" Latex Medium 32 ILD)  Her side (3" Latex Soft 20 ILD)
  • Mid:  My side (6" Latex Firm 36 ILD)  Her side (6" Latex Medium 29 ILD)
  • Base:  Full King 5LB 5" LUX-HQ (50ILD) Foam 

Thoughts?  Too soft for our weight to start out with?  I know most DIY's recommend starting firm and gradually adding for softness.

Only other question would be is how would tempature be sleeping on 2 layers of latex?  We live in Texas so it gets rather warm here in the summers.  We do plan on buying some really nice hotel quality sheets to go with this bed.

Thanks in advance for any advice you might be able to offer....

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