New here and need a little advice ... Latex mattresses
Jul 1, 2010 6:08 AM
Joined: Jul 1, 2010
Points: 2
Hello everyone.

Been doing a fair bit of research and that has led me here for a great deal of info but I am still a tad confounded.


Currently have a simmons pillow top model (yes I said the p word).  It is only a few years old but it has become so painful to sleep in that both my wife and I wake up very sore all over just about every morning.  I am annoyed at this due to the fact that I paid good money for this set not long ago so I am not wild about buying something else already.  That being said I cannot deal with the pain and poor sleep anymore.

Me - 6' 180lbs - bad back, 2 bulging discs and a herniated disc.  I like the plush comfy feel that you get with pillowtops (when new of course) but I need support for my body due to my problems.

Wife - 5' 5 150lbs - can sleep on anything but she is not a big fan of soft or "squishy" feeling beds.


We have looked at new mattresses around town (Richmond, VA) and are pretty sure that Latex is the way we want to go.  The only issue is there is only one place to get a Latex mattress (true one that is) here that I can find and that is from Original Mattress Factory.  All the other stuff we have seen has been essentially a hybrid - i.e. it has coils supporting it but with a layer of latex and then som PU foam on it.  Not what we want based on my research.

OMF mattresses - not bad.  They had 2 one was thicker/plushier and felt nice but just didn't seem to provide enough support and long term I am not sure it will work.  2nd one was better - not as thick (8") and not as plushy but certainly felt like it had more support and didn't "give" in too much but didn't make me feel I was laying on brick.  The price was ok but not great ($1150 with new foundation)

What I don't like is there is really no customization.  As I have read here from just about everyone I should be looking at getting something that is zippered and has different layers that can be changed out as needed if I find things get better or worse with my back.

So that leads me to the only alternative -- internet purchase .... problems are cost is high (IMHO), no idea if I will like it (can't lay on it), and no idea what I really need -- ie what layers.

It seems the recommended places are flobeds, foam sweet foam etc

All will allow for some customization which I think is what we need but not sure what makes sense.  2k+ is just a lot to spend on a mattress though.


I guess I am looking for guidance in where I should start to put together the proper layers, should I go firm all around or medium or a mix etc etc

Anyway to bring down the cost by getting the pieces from various places and build it on my own.

Should I just go for a 2" latex topper for now vs a new mattress?  (only concern here is the pillow top we have now is so tall that adding a 2-3" topper to may not let us keep sheets on the bed.  We are already using deep pocket sheets and they tend to pop off the corners every few weeks anyway)

Can I just use our old box springs for now to save money (the OMF foundation was pretty cheap -- added about $180 to the cost which I didn't think was bad ... all the online places are a lot more than that).

Overall any advice you guys would care to share would be great.

Thanks in advance.



Re: New here and need a little advice ... Latex mattresses
Reply #1 Jul 1, 2010 6:49 AM
Joined: Mar 14, 2010
Points: 185
Since you are willing to go the DIY route, you might consider doing  surgery on your existing mattress. You'll find some threads around here about it (here's one). It'll cost you less and give you a chance to experiment with latex and/or memory foam toppers before committing to an entire new bed.
This message was modified Jul 1, 2010 by cynicaljones
Re: New here and need a little advice ... Latex mattresses
Reply #2 Jul 1, 2010 6:58 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
GCS2000 wrote:

So that leads me to the only alternative -- internet purchase .... problems are cost is high (IMHO), no idea if I will like it (can't lay on it), and no idea what I really need -- ie what layers.

This is exactly where all of us who bought a mattress over the internet began.  The standard answer is, phone a few of the companies, Flobeds and Sleepez, certainly, and discuss you needs and preferences with them.  They will want to know your height, weight, preferred sleeping position, and whether you have any issues like back, shoulder, or hip pain.  These people have been in the business for years, sell a quality product, and probably are better qualified than anyone on this board to help you with what would be a good starting point. 

If shipping costs are an issue, then look into Sleepez - free shipping.

If you want to do a DIY project, IMO this could lead to more time, experimentation, and headaches than just buying a mattress, but that's just me.  Other people on this board have done it and been pleased with their results.

Cost - latex is expensive to manufacture, and a quality all-latex mattress is going to cost.  Look what you got for your money last time.  Crap.  Your 100% latex mattress should last you 15 years or more, conservatively.

Re: New here and need a little advice ... Latex mattresses
Reply #3 Jul 1, 2010 7:14 AM
Joined: Jul 1, 2010
Points: 2
Longevity - yes we absolutely want that.


Sleepez - yeah I am looking into them now and they seem like they might be the best choice for us.



Re: New here and need a little advice ... Latex mattresses
Reply #4 Jul 9, 2010 9:32 AM
Joined: Jul 9, 2010
Points: 1
Hello there!

I am also in Richmond, VA and looking at the OMF for a latex mattress.  Trying to decide between the regular and "plush" top as they call it.  I'm a little concerned that the "plush" top could end up having the same problems as the pillowtops.

Should you end up purchasing an online latex mattress or one from the OMF I'd love to hear what you buy and how well you like it.


Re: New here and need a little advice ... Latex mattresses
Reply #5 Jul 5, 2011 5:53 PM
Joined: Jul 5, 2011
Points: 1

I too live in Richmond and am on a search for a latex mattress. I've been doing the internet surfing method reading as much as I can to make a decision on next steps. Yesterday I ran across a website for a latex mattress manufacturer in the Charlottesville area which is very close to where we live. The name of the company is Savvy Sleeper and I don't know anything about it other than what I've read on their website. It did have a lot of good information on latex beds and also posts information about the owner plus pricing of beds they sell. It appears they also make custom beds to fit your needs.

I agree 2k+ is alot to pay for a bed but if it lasts for years and meets your needs it is probably a good investment.

If nothing else they may be able to help you and your wife with your decision.

This is their website

Hope this helps in your research.





Re: New here and need a little advice ... Latex mattresses
Reply #6 Jul 8, 2011 7:53 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
$2k is a lot to spend on a mattress, especially if you don't have it. If you DO have it, look at it this way:

How much do you spend for cable tv per month? How much do you pay for your cell phone per month?

If a $2k bed lasts for 10 years that comes out to less than $20/month. Is a good night's sleep and a healthy life worth that?

Flobeds is recommended by a lot of us simply because they do allow comfort exchanges of various layers and if it doesn't work out at all you can send the whole thing back and you're just out the shipping.

Some of us like springs under our latex. My wife and I could not sleep on foam without springs or some kind of springy frame under it. Many do like it without springs, but some do not.

If your current mattress is a lost cause and you'll have to throw it out or give it away I would definitely cut 'er open and try mattress surgery. This could be your cheapest and best solution. See the threads at the top of the forum about mattress surgery. It's interesting, fun and worthwhile.

As little as 3" on top of your current springs could do the trick. The problem is that you are sleeping on crappy too-soft pu foam which provides no support. Cut it open and replace that foam with some latex (maybe 2" of 28ILD and 1" of 18ILD) and you may solve your problem for under $500 as long as your springs are good and are "right" for you. As for how it looks, once you put your sheets over it, no one will know you've cut it open.

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