New Mattress Build - Advice appreciated!
Sep 13, 2011 6:02 AM
Joined: Nov 16, 2010
Points: 7

My wife and I are going to put together our own king size latex mattress.  There is a foam supplier in our city that can purchase Latex International Talatech latex foam in twin XL size in 6” thickness.  The foam supplier then said he could cut the 6” thick foam in half creating two 3” layers.  We are planning on doing three 3” latex layers with a zipper terry cloth cover.  So now I have to decide what ILD foam I should order.  We are both primarily side sleepers (my wife sometimes sleeps on here stomach).  I am 6’3” 275lbs and she is 5’9” 165 lbs.  We prefer our bed to be firm.  We were thinking 3” of ILD 44 on the bottom, 3” of ILD 36 in the middle and 3” of ILD 28 for the top.  We already have a St. Dormiere wool mattress pad.  We were considering the sleepez route but the local pricing is very good…so even if we have to purchase additional foam to customize it will still be cheaper.  What do you guys think? 



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