new member 1st post
Hello, I stumbled upon this board last week looking for info . I went looking for info because, a couple weeks ago my lower back started hurting really bad upon waking in the morning. I thought it was from work. I noticed that my wifes side of the bed felt better so I discovered that my side was worn. So I flipped the mattress and after sleeping that night I had almost no back pain the next day. I know that this wont last much longer so I decided I need a new mattress. The mattress I have now is from customcomfort here in socal. I bought one the most inexpensive ones they had in 2005 so it lasted a good 4 years it was around 300.00 It has > Medium Coil > Fiber Inner Body Padding > Quilted Plush Top Well after reading the many posts here I would like to go the DIY route, Im not knocking customcomfort, I just think I can get more for my money by DIY surgery. I like jimsocal's idea as he has a coil mattress and put the sensus, latex, HR foam. I see the sensus at overstock, the latex talalay at a few places sleeplikebear, sleepez, and foambymail huge difference in price, but I dont see the 1"HR foam could someone tell me where to purchase that. If i go with FBM for the talalay and overstocks sensus that puts the cost at 220.00 not bad. I'll post pics when I start this. |
Re: new member 1st post electracat
(Oct 5, 2009 7:18 PM) -
Re: new member 1st post KimberlyH
(Oct 6, 2009 5:43 AM) -
Re: new member 1st post Kait
(Oct 7, 2009 12:23 PM) -
Re: new member 1st post MSmith
(Oct 8, 2009 4:08 PM) -
Re: new member 1st post KimberlyH
(Oct 8, 2009 4:51 PM)