the new spring air
Jun 17, 2010 11:48 AM
Joined: Jun 12, 2010
Points: 51
hello all,

you've all been greatly informative and i've have learned a lot here. wish i had found this site before i foolishly gave up my 18 year old spring air backsupporter, which i bought for $350, including frame, box spring and delivery! ( i'm really dating myself here) for a new s brand bed that off gassed so badly it had to be quickly returned. ......wish i'd known about mattress surgery for the spring air.

anyway, back in 1992 it took me all of 5 minutes to purchase a mattress which felt great immediately and for almost 20 years. if any bed mfg. can just make them the old way, they will corner the market there is no doubt.

it has now been 4 months and counting that i have been searching for something new. love latex, but may be allergic unfortunately. 

the backsupporter was a fabulous bed, another family member still has one and everyone who sleeps on it comments on how it is the most comfortable bed they have ever slept in.

just saw today that spring air is back, bought out of bankruptcy, and got all excited about that!!!!! ........until i talked to someone who said that it is a licensing arrangement only and that the beds are not like the old spring air. i did note however that the new spring airs have the zoned innerspring system that i think was a large part?? of what made the old ones so very comfortable and supportive.

does anyone have any information or feed back on what these new spring airs are like? thank you



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