newbie-Is this is a good order of foam -talalay 2.5 to 1.7 polyurethane ?
Aug 19, 2010 6:25 PM
Joined: Aug 18, 2010
Points: 4
What is a good order of the foam  because In the pillowtop of my mattress is 1inch of talalay latex  2.5, 1inch of pu foam 1.7 and another 1inch of pu foam 1.7

This feels soft at first, but after 5 hours it feels like I am laying on a door. The mattress underneath the pillowtop has 1inch of cotton batting and then the springs are of14 gauge hour glass wire.

This pillowtop is dipping at about 1inch where I sleep-some days I need to fold up a comforter and place it there to get an even surface.  This combination feels soft but overly firm after a while.  I like my mattress medium soft and this order goes from one exteme to the other.   I feel I need more padding for support.- not hard though.   I can sleep well on my couch which has pu foam of 1.8 and is 4 inches thick with 3 oz of polyfil wrapped around it.

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