Odd Bed size need a matress
Sep 1, 2010 9:46 AM
Joined: Sep 1, 2010
Points: 1
So.. I bought this bed frame overseast and need a matress that doesn't fit the typical size. The are for the matress is 79"l long x 71" wide. Where can I get a mattress that fits this area?



Re: Odd Bed size need a matress
Reply #1 Sep 1, 2010 10:18 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Gardner Mattress will make odd sizes.  Royal Pedic does as well, but more expensive.  Depends on what kind of mattress you want and how much you want to pay.  You may want to find a local mattress maker, so try google search.
Re: Odd Bed size need a matress
Reply #2 Sep 1, 2010 7:24 PM
Location: NE Ohio / NW Pennsylvania
Joined: Aug 26, 2010
Points: 62
Who you get ot do it might depend on where you a are located, and whether you want foam or innerspring.     Imperial Bedding in Huntington, WV makes customs.   Google for "RV mattress"  or "RV mattress custom" and look throught the results.    Boat mattress, antique bed mattress. custom mattress: those searches might get something, too.

Added 9/02/10:    http://www.originalmattress.com/custom/overview     The Original Mattress Factory, too.    If you want "old school" Bonnell, Lura-Flex, or offset cil, they have some great values.  I can't comment on their foam mattresses, because I only like innerspring mattresses.   lol

This message was modified Sep 2, 2010 by TC2334

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