Organic mattress advice needed.. help!
Nov 28, 2011 6:44 AM
Joined: Nov 27, 2011
Points: 8
Hello all,

I already posted 1 of my disjointed queries in a previous post. However, I thought I'd give a little background and my research here:

My 3 year old has severe allergic cough and cold which get worsened after a few hours sleeping on our conventional mattress that we bought 4 years ago. I am assuming he is either allergic to the foam or the off-gassing.

My research for a chemical-free mattress for his new big boy bed found the following:

1) Holy Lamb Organics which has a few mattresses and they claim they do not do any carbonization or sheep dipping on their sheep. Which seems really good.

2) Shephard's dream which also has an all-wool mattress, however its not organic.

3) White lotus boulder mattress with organic cotton and wool. The wool is not certified organic so I am not sure about the carbonisation or sheep dipping chemicals.

4) Pure Rest Aurora mattress with organic cotton and organic wool, which sounds really great however I haven't seen any reviews of this mattress.


Others like the LifeKind or the OMI are way too pricey for my budget. SavvyRest and Flobeds look good however, I am not sure how he might react to the latex. I read somewhere that people can develop latex allergies after a long time exposure to latex. Some people might develop allergies for latex smell also. Since he already has tonnes of other allergies, I wish to avoid another allergy factor (latex) into the mix.

I stay in Dallas, TX and have not found any local store selling any of the above mentioned non-latex mattresses. So my only option is buying online and I am quite concerned to make such a heavy investment without actually testing out the mattress.

So, I am looking for someone who has any experience with any of these non-latex mattresses. How do they feel? Have you bought them online? What should I look out for? Is organic wool really guaranteed to be free of all chemicals including boric acid and antimony? I need to help my kid's allergies asap! Please help!


Thanks much and appreciate early response,


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