overnightmattress.com? anyone tried one of these?
Jan 12, 2009 8:13 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Anyone tried the M-type foam at overnightmattress.com?
I must say they have a pretty convincing sales pitch for their foam (supposedly better than HR foam) and their 4lb density mem. foam that supposedly breathes better than other mem. foam...

They have a sale right now, no risk, free shipping, free return shipping, and I'm thinking of trying one... just for the helluvit...

Is it possible that their M-foam might feel better than my HR foam? And that their 2" of 4lb mem.foam might feel better than other mem. foams I've tried (3lb I do believe)?

Most of their mattresses have way too much foam and/or dacron etc. on top of the core, but the one I am interested in is just a 5" core "M-grade"  foam with a 2" x 4lb mem foam topper.

They (overnightmattress.com) had a sale that ended this midnight (I actually ordered after midnight but it went through at that price so I assume they will honor it) and I will see if this foam they have is really better (to me, anyway) than HR foam and other memory foam I've tried. I figured that at their very low price for their most basic model, no tax and no charge for shipping to me and no charge for me shipping back to them if I don't like it, and a good BBB report, What do I have to lose? I can try it for up to 120 days (though I'm sure 30 will be sufficient) and if I or my wife don't like it I can ship it back and get my money back in full.

I also figure that if I don't like the memory foam (2" on top, glued to the M foam) I can turn the dang thing over and just use the M-grade support foam and then my own latex or other mem. foam and/or cuddlebed topper. So I'l report back after I have slept on it for a coupla nights. Should get it Friday or Monday...

Just for grins, here's their well- written (hopefully mostly true?!) info:

"The base foam used under the TruCell memory foam is M-Grade support foam. M-Grade foam was created specifically for bedding, unlike the very common HR (high resiliency) foams that most bedding manufacturers use, which are also used in furniture and upholstry products. Laboratory tests show that body impressions in a mattress are caused less by weight than what was always previously believed. Tests have shown that salts and moisure from the body actually break down traditional foams, leaving body impressions. M-Grade foam holds up remarkably better in these conditions than any other polyurethane foam currently on the market that has been tested. What does this mean for you? It means a much longer lasting mattress.

Memory Foam Specifications

The TruCell visco elastic memory foam has a 4.0 lb density and an ILD of 11. In tests more people preferred this 4.0 lb TruCell memory foam for two main reasons. The first was the issue of heat, or lack of heat. The memory foam samples that were more dense proved to hold more heat than the 4.0 lb. Also, it didn't leave too much of the "crater" dip that many memory foams are known and disliked for. It has the perfect amount of support and contouring, but still allowing you to turn and adjust in bed comfortably.

Support Foam Specifications

Base foam or support foam is equally as important to the comfort of the mattress as the memory foam is. The density of the base foam will determine how long the mattress will last, and the firmness will determine the amount of support it gives your body. The M-Grade base support foam has a density of 2.0 lb and an ILD of 41. Typically, average mattresses have support foams with densities ranging from 1.5 lb to 1.8 lb, 1.8 lb being for nicer mattresses. It's rare to find mattresses with base foams more dense (or better quality) than this. That's why we've decided to provide this quality. And for this reason, we can offer a 20 year warranty.

Disipates Heat

The most common complaint with memory foam mattresses in general is that it can sometimes make a person feel warmer. Memory foam is very dense foam, making it harder for heat to escape. The more dense the foam, the less air flow for heat to escape. To overcome this problem, we uses TruCell memory foam, which has an open-cell structure. The open-cell structure allows heat to escape and air to flow around the body, creating a more comfortable sleeping environment.


Another common complaint with most memory foam mattresses is the odor. The chemicals used in all foam products produce an odor. However, with more dense foams, like memory foam, because there is a higher concentration of these chemicals the odor is typically stronger. The TruCell memory foam is a "virtually odorless" visco foam because of the open-cell structure, allowing it to breath much easier. If there does seem to be a little bit of an odor to the mattress, it may take as much as a week to disappear.

Overnight Mattress mattresses are made in the USA with strict standards and quality controls. With stat-of-the-art equipment, Overnight Mattress foams are screened for odor & density to create an inviting, supportive sleep environment that will feel just as good in ten years as it does the day you receive it."

Well, hey, they convinced me it was worth a try! The main thing is the free shipping both ways with 120 days to try it - NO ONE ELSE has a sleep guarantee like that, as far as I know. Even Flobeds makes you pay the return shipping back to them!


See my post "Review of overnightmattress.com"

This message was modified Jan 21, 2009 by jimsocal

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