Overstock.com is selling a pillow that looks like the ones I bought from them in 2007 that I loved and still love in the standard size.
May 15, 2011 9:32 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793




Overstock.com is selling a pillow that looks like the ones I bought from them in 2007 that I loved and still love in the standard size.  Pillow Case is only 200 count tread so I bought a 300 count pillow case at another website & then I put my own pillow case over this that is not less than 300 count thread.  Just sharing since I keep mentioning the pillows I love.  It looks like Overstock is now selling the Queen Size version of this pillow which is 7" high while the standard size is 6" high.

Flobeds.com had wonderful natural latex pillows that I am using as shams since their queen size was too high for my neck being that I am not quite 5 feet tall. 

This message was modified May 16, 2011 by Lynn2006

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