Parklane Mattresses? What about "soy based foam cores" ?
Jun 12, 2011 6:02 PM
Joined: Jun 6, 2011
Points: 18
Parklane Mattresses of Oregon seems to have some great deals on mattresses. However, I dont want a soft talalay core but I did notice they had some "eco friendly" line where it includes a 5" "soy based foam core" topped by talalay latex.


Anybody know if these are any good? They are certainly dirt cheap


My other consideration was going innerspring and latex combo, but I really know nothing about springs....

Re: Parklane Mattresses? What about "soy based foam cores" ?
Reply #1 Jun 13, 2011 6:26 PM
Joined: Jun 19, 2010
Points: 17
Last year when we were shopping/buying we gave consideration to Parklane and since we lived close by, we visited their factory.  It's not a large place and had samples of all their various models.  They looked decent and in a short test drive so to speak they felt comfortable to us.  But we ended up with another brand made in the PNW.

Bamboo is the latest and greatest covering material for mattresses,  very soft and absorbant.  You can find info on bamboo fabric on the net.  What I read spoke very well of the material.

As for the Soy based foam, IMO it is mostly a marketing gimmic to look green.  It is a form of Polyurethane derived from the soybean plant.  last yr when I was reading up on it about the largest percentage of soy based urethane was 15%.  Urethanes require a catalist that is mixed with the urethane in a 50/50 mix.  This is likely going to be marketed as a 30% soybased material.  As for the physical properties and durability, I'm not sure if it is any better than normal polyurethane.

From the description, half the mattress thickness is PU.  There is a total of 5" of 3 different kinds of Latex.  Not much Latex IMO to give you the true benefits/comfort of Latex.

They may represent a good value for the price but you can't expect them to perform the same as mattresses with a higher percentage of Latex.

Re: Parklane Mattresses? What about "soy based foam cores" ?
Reply #2 Jun 14, 2011 11:27 AM
Joined: Jun 6, 2011
Points: 18
Anybody know if their innerspring/latex combo mattresses are any good? All latex beds are just so damn heavy....
Re: Parklane Mattresses? What about "soy based foam cores" ?
Reply #3 Jun 14, 2011 4:52 PM
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Joined: May 13, 2011
Points: 170
I tried the new McRoskey innersping, wool, latex mattress that was flippable. IT WAS TO DIE FOR.  It was $4k.
Re: Parklane Mattresses? What about "soy based foam cores" ?
Reply #4 Jun 15, 2011 1:39 PM
Joined: Jun 6, 2011
Points: 18
I dont even see that mattress on their website?


Is a good spring mattress (pocketed coils, combo) with latex on top going to be better than all latex?

Re: Parklane Mattresses? What about "soy based foam cores" ?
Reply #5 Jun 15, 2011 9:21 PM
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Joined: May 13, 2011
Points: 170
It's the "Design by McRoskey" mattress.

I would imagine that springs + latex feels different than all latex.  The "S" companies seem to have spring + latex mattresses rather than all latex mattresses.  I'm not sure why.  Springs + latex probably feels different than all latex.  As for wheter it feels better or worse, that's subjective.  Will a spring + latex mattress last as long as all latex?  I don't know.  But if you take a standard spring + crappy foam mattress and replace the crappy foam with similar amount of latex, the usable lifetime will still be limited by the life of springs.

Perhaps someone on this forum who has experience selling all these mattresses can share customer experience with these products.

A non-latex foam core and a soft latex topper may not be a bad choice for a mattress if designed properly.

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