Personal Mattress Profiles
Mar 4, 2011 8:42 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Points: 7
To All,

Like many before me, I have greatly benefited from the information found in this forum.  It was especially helpful to read posts from those who were happy with their mattress and listed their mattress’s specifications along with their body type, i.e. height, weight, medical condition, etc.  These posts were like Mattress Profiles and I used them to help decide what would work best for me

Now, that I am happy with my mattress I am listing my Mattress Profile in the following post.  If you like your mattress, please consider adding to this thread with your profile.


Re: Personal Mattress Profiles
Reply #1 Mar 4, 2011 8:45 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Points: 7
Scott’s Mattress Profile



Manufacturer: Sleep Ez

Mattress: Select Sleep 8500

Type:  100% Natural Talalay Latex

Size: Queen

Height: 8.5 inches

Cover: Cotton/Rayon Cover Quilted to Wool

Top Layer: 2.8 inches - soft, 22 ILD

Middle Layer: 1.4 inches - firm, 38 ILD

Bottom Layer: 2.8 inches - firm, 38 ILD

Foundation: No foundation, Solid wood platform bed – no slats  


Body Type

Person 1

Sex: Male

Height: 6’ 1”

Weight: 195lbs

Medical Conditions: n/a

Sleeping Position: Back and Side

Preferences:  Prefer firm mattresses with a plush top

Person 2

Sex: Female

Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 135lbs

Medical Conditions: History of lower back pain, previously slipped disk

Sleeping Position: Side

Preferences:  Prefer firm mattresses with a plush top

Comments:  We had a very firm coil Sterns & Foster mattress.  Three years in it start to sag.  At the same time both of our backs started to hurt in the morning.  We thought we liked very firm mattresses.  We have discovered that we actually like very firm mattresses with a plush top.  Without the plush top our spines are not aligned properly.

Re: Personal Mattress Profiles
Reply #2 Apr 30, 2011 10:41 PM
Joined: Mar 25, 2011
Points: 30
Thanks for posting!

I'm curious why you chose one of the bigger layers (2.8 inches) in soft and put it at the top?

          Top Layer: 2.8 inches - soft, 22 ILD

Middle Layer: 1.4 inches - firm, 38 ILD

Bottom Layer: 2.8 inches - firm, 38 ILD


did you try the two 2.8 layers as firms on the bottom and then put the smaller 1.4inch soft on the top? would that work also to give a firm support layer mattress with plush top?

Top Layer: 1.4 inches - soft, 22 ILD

Middle Layer: 2.8 inches - firm, 38 ILD

Bottom Layer: 2.8 inches - firm, 38 ILD


I like firm mattresses with a plush top as well, so I'm trying to figure out how to recreate that in latex layers.

thanks for sharing!!

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