Please help me figure out which FloBed to buy
Feb 11, 2010 3:33 PM
Joined: Jan 31, 2010
Points: 54
Please help me figure out which FloBed to buy.

FloBeds recommended for me to buy the Posture VZone because I am a side sleeper and the VZone is designed for side sleepers.

However, I do not want to buy that one because I do not like that it has velcro on it. When the velcro wears out, then what am I supposed to do?

Besides that, I don't think I'd ever use that functionality anyhow of rolling the layers across each other and whatnot.

Additionally, I do not like how the latex in the Vzone seems to be divided into sections like that because instinctually it looks to me like it would make it easier for the layers to rip apart over time.

So...what else should I buy from FloBeds? 

I do not really understand the differences between the beds listed on their website.

For  an example of something that confuses me:   their "Natural Latex" model lists a feature of "9 Inch Organic Cotton. "   What does that mean, exactly?  Does that mean that part of the mattress uses innersprings and/or PU foam?  Are there drawbacks to the 9 inches of cotton?  Is it better to get an all latex mattress with no inches of cotton?

If you guys could break those issues down for me, and also all the other issues I should be aware of regarding the differences in FloBed models,  in laymen's terms, I'd appreciate that a lot.

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