Please help me understand the terms "support, firmness, and softness.
Mar 27, 2011 4:31 PM
Joined: Mar 20, 2011
Points: 71
I have tested many beds in my local area, but there was one place that had two beds that met my needs. One was a Talalay latex bed which felt really nice. It passed all three position test. But before I go any further, let me share some info with you and maybe you could help me get a better understanding as to why one mattress worked for me and another one didn't. My current mattess is absolutely misery. The closest comparison is the floor. Even though the floor is much harder than my mattress, it yields similar results as my mattress. Let me explain. If I lay flat on the floor or my bed, on my back, It feels like there is an arced void in the small of my back. Its very uncormfortable and causes aching pain. Now if I were to position my legs where my feet or flat to the bed and my knees are pointing upward to the ceiling, the arch in my lower back goes away but my entire back will eventually ache because the floor and the bed are hard. While laying on my stomach, I have the same aching feeling in my lower back area. Now the way to temporarily alleviate this pain is to lay across on a pillow positioned in my croch area. This takes that arched feeling out of my lower back region. Now when it comes to laying on my side, Which I perfer to lay, the hardness of the floor and my bed causes my shoulder and my side to hurt.

  Now that you have that info, lets get back to the two beds I mentioned earlier. The bed with the talalay topper (poly foams for the base) felt really nice. While laying on my back and stomach, the arched feeling in my lower back was not there, well at least after some adjusting. Now the sales guy was a joke; I asked what the ILD of the talalay was and he looked at me like I told him I was his brother by another mother. He asked another salesman and he had no clue either. When I say they had no clue, I'm not talking in terms of what the ILD of the latex was, but what ILD is. He said he called the warehouse where the mattresses are shipped from and spoke with a friend that word in he business for 30 years and he didn't know either. Sad.

  Now to the second bed which was simply a cloud in heaven. It had the same base foams as the first, but the topper was Visco Elastic. Man did I enjoy the feel of this bed. I didn't feel like I was on top of the bed; I felt like I was in the bed. It felt like the bed was around me. It even felt good to my hands and feet. No arch in my lower back and it felt like I could sleep on my side all night without pain. The saleman told me that the density of the bed was 4lb pcf but his knowledge was shaky and unreliable. Now the saleman didn't know the ILD of the latex and assured my that it was the most expensive material they had. So he's basically equating better bed with more money spent..............wrong. The bed with the Visco elastic toppe is $500 less that the one with the latex topper and I love the visco topper hand down over the latex. Let me be clear, I'm not advicating visco over latex by no means. I don't even know the ILD of the latex or the visco to make that comparison. I'm just stating that of the two beds I tried, the one with the visco topper felt much better to me.

Now given all that info, can someone put in perspective how the lack of presence of softness, support, and firmness effects the results of my sleeping preferences and ailings.

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