Plush Beds
Oct 13, 2010 4:57 AM
Joined: Sep 29, 2010
Points: 26
Has anyone purchased from Plushbeds?  Can't seem to find much information on them.


Re: Plush Beds
Reply #46 Nov 15, 2010 3:28 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Yes I am very familiar with it as I also had several very good conversations with him. The idea is that most of your weight is in your lower torso which would tend to sink in "too much" relative to your shoulders and put your spine out of alignment. Your shoulder area on the other hand has less weight but is wider than your hips and needs to sink in more than your hips but doesn't have the weight to do so. By making the top part of your mattress softer than the bottom, it allows your shoulders or upper torso to sink in more and your hips or lower torso less so you stay in alignment. He would also choose ILD's that he believed would give you the best combination of pressure relief and support for your particular sleeping style and weight distribution so that you would not have either "pressure issues" or "alignment issues". In other words it is a form of manual zoning to customize the mattress both up and down and side to side. Most zoning schemes that are "built in" to a foam layer or innersprings don't have as big a "difference" in softness/firmness areas and also are "off the shelf" and not "split" at points that are tailored to you individually.

This is the basic idea and I believe it is a very good method of customizing a mattress.


PS: Cazual in this thread just got a mattress there and could give you more real life impressions and feedback

This message was modified Nov 15, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: Plush Beds
Reply #47 Nov 17, 2010 7:44 AM
Joined: Sep 29, 2010
Points: 26

The search has ended. Today my wife and I ordered our latex mattress from Custom Sleep Design. After numerous discussions on the phone and sending pictures, Bob and his staff designed a bed that will hopefully meet our needs. I feel comfortable with the decision and now will be anixously awaiting its arrival in three weeks. I really appreciate your assistance and input the past weeks. I do like the option of changing the layers if necessary and the split zones to provide support and comfort. In reading a thread from the lady who resides in the Quad cities which is about 180 miles from us you may recommend this company. Their prices with a foundation are reasonable. Will let you know how things work out once our mattress arrvies. Again, many thanks!   God bless and have a blessed Thanksgiving!!



Re: Plush Beds
Reply #48 Nov 17, 2010 7:52 AM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Way to go!

If you are happy then I am happy. :)

Let us know how it is when it arrives.


Re: Plush Beds
Reply #49 Dec 28, 2010 4:22 AM
Joined: Sep 29, 2010
Points: 26
Hi Phoenix,


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!


Thought I would drop you a note on our mattress. Arrived one week before Christmas and we found the mattress was too firm. Spoke wiith Bob yesterday and he will be adjusting our two top layers to make it softer and they will ship the two layers next week. I think once we make the right adjustments the bed will be great.





Re: Plush Beds
Reply #50 Dec 28, 2010 1:21 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Thanks for the report. Did you end up with the layering in post 45 of this thread or go with something firmer when you bought?

I'm curious because the 19 and 14 ILD part of the top layer zoning is pretty soft already so I'm guessing that the 28 ILD in the upper layer is too firm for your hips?

I'd also be curious what you are exchanging for as every piece of feedback is really helpful to  help someone else in a similar position to you to "get it right".

Thanks again for your feedback


This message was modified Dec 28, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: Plush Beds
Reply #51 Dec 29, 2010 4:30 AM
Joined: Sep 29, 2010
Points: 26

Here is a break down of our layers:

Peg's initial specs

top layer 2" zoned   ILD 28/24   

middle layer 3"  ILD 32

core 6" 36

Bob's recommendations to soften

top layer 2" zoned 14/24

middle layer 3" ILD 28

core 6" 36


Steve initial specs

top layer 2" zoned   ILD 19/28   

middle layer 3" zoned  ILD  32/36

core 6" 40

Bob's recommendations to soften

top layer 2" zoned  ILD 19/24

middle layer 3" zoned  ILD   24/32

core 6" 40


Bob will exchange both layers and make additional corrections as needed. One thing I've learned is the different combinations make a hugh difference. It is too bad there was nothing in our immediate area to try the various thickness layers and ILD's. I would have liked to go to his store and eliminate the guess work. Bob has been very informative and helpful. He is willing to go out of his way to ensure the product is right.







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