Polyurethane Foam Association
The PFA is a good resource for those wishing to understand all the gobblegook about density and ILD www.fpa.org Especially the INTOUCH newsletter. The Importance of Density http://http://www.pfa.org/intouch/new_pdf/hr_IntouchV1.2.pdf <-- Highly recommended reading How Foam Firmness Affects Performance http://www.pfa.org/intouch/new_pdf/hr_IntouchV4.3.pdf Latex Foam Rubber and FPF: Different Product Technologies With the Same Comfort Objectives http://www.pfa.org/intouch/new_pdf/hr_IntouchV.8.1.pdf Flexible Polyurethane Foam in Mattress Construction http://www.pfa.org/intouch/pdf/ntouch51.pdf This message was modified Sep 9, 2007 by haysdb
Re: Polyurethane Foam Association haysdb
(Sep 9, 2007 12:29 PM) -
Re: Polyurethane Foam Association Mr_Otero
(May 8, 2019 12:29 PM)