Pure Latex Bliss Vs. build your own. Also, purchasing advice on PLB...
Feb 19, 2011 6:58 PM
Joined: Feb 19, 2011
Points: 1
Good god this mattress buying stuff if complicated. Sleepy's is the only mattress retailer near my house (Boston) and I've gone to two of them. At first I liked the Sleep For Life beds but found a lot of advice here that springs are junk. I wanted to like the Tempurpedic but heard that it gets hot and it makes me feel claustrophobic. The Sleepy's guy then recommended (actually it's where he initially pointed me and wouldn't let up) to the Dr. Breus bed, which I liked, but the reviews here indicate that it's not of the best construction and a poor value for the money. I also found here a lot of positive reviews of the PLB, so I went back today and looked at a couple. (I wonder why the guy in the other store never even mentioned them.) I'm 5"10, 150 lbs and currently sleep on an ultra-firm, which I hate. I tried the PLB Pamper (king) and didn't like it (too firm) but I did like the Nature. They didn't have the Beautiful (even more plush) but I'm hoping to find a store with one I could try out. 

So, it looks like Latex is my best bet in that it sleeps cool and lasts a long time but is the PLB line a good value or would I be better off building my own at a place like Flobeds, and if so how would I do it? Could I just ask them to build me a Nature? It would be nice to get my mattress from a local retailer, but then again, I plan of getting this thing right before I move to Canada, where their are no Sleepy's outlets, so returning isn't really an option. I'm also hoping to avoid all of the topper nonsense. I'd prefer to have my mattress do the job on its own instead of having to buy accessories. I've already got a pillow top for my spring mattress and it moves around.

The sales people really tried to get me to purchase one today telling me that the sale ends Monday, but according to these boards, that line is usually a lot of hogwash. However, he emphasized the point by saying that PLB sets the prices for their mattresses ("they're the same price everywhere") and that they had to get permission to bring it down 10% for the sale, so was this too hogwash? I notice that they're a couple hundred dollars or more less at 1800mattress, so when I'm ready to buy do you think that they'll be negotiable on price (especially if I bring in the webpage), or are the prices really set in stone for PLB?

Lastly, should I buy the box spring set or is it a lot cheaper to just buy the mattress and purchase the box spring separately and from a more generic vendor? Would there be a difference?


Thanks much,


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