Pure Latex Bliss's - "World's Best Bed"?
Aug 25, 2012 11:23 AM
Joined: Jun 14, 2010
Points: 7
Has anyone purchased PLB's new model - "World's Best Bed"?  If so, any feedback would be appreciated.

My husband and I would really like to purchase a 100% latex mattress because of no chemicals, mite resistant, etc., etc.  I've been trying to find a 100% natural latex mattress that is soft enough for me.  I'm the original Princess On The Pea and at 110 lbs I am concerned that the "lifting" effect of the latex is going to feel too firm for me.  My husband wouldn't tolerate switching out sections from a company like Sleep-Ez, etc. so I've been trying to find a model that I can try in a local store. (Boston/Metro West area.)  PLB's Beautiful feels softer than most but I think it would still be too firm for me.   I haven't tried PLB's "World's Best Bed" yet but am hopeful it might be "the one"!

Thanks for any input....


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