question about mattress sagging
Jul 13, 2010 7:27 PM
Joined: Jul 7, 2010
Points: 13
I have a Serta mattress that is only about a year old. It feels fine when I lay down on it, but by morning it feels like it is sagging - you can't really see it, but you can definitely feel an indent where each of us sleeps, and a pronounced hump in the middle between us.


I'm wondering if there is some way to tell if the problem is with the springs or the padding on top? (although, I suppose it could be both)


Since our mattress is only one year old, can I assume the springs are still good and it's just the crappy foam inside that's the problem?  I tried to find more info about this mattress, but all I could find out was that is uses a "continuous coil" system and has an "advanced comfort quilt" (yeah, right). 


If I can determine for sure that its just the foam that's the problem I may try some surgery.  Otherwise, I might just sell it.


Thanks for any advice.

Re: question about mattress sagging
Reply #1 Jul 14, 2010 7:29 AM
Joined: Feb 8, 2010
Points: 72
You can usually get a pretty good feel by pressing down on the top until you feel the springs engage - if the foam is compressed, it will feel stiffer there from the very start, where places where the foam is still good you will feel the foam (and other layers) compressing first before the springs engage.

BTW there is an odd inflatable device that sells for about $40 that goes under the mattress and claims to eliminate sag. I haven't ever tried it - we got rid of a sagged mattress before I knew about it - nor have I heard of anyone who has.  Wish to hell I'd known about it then just to try it, because our old bed would have made a great test bed - it was sagged, gave me backaches, but incredibly comfy and we both slept just great in it!  


tiredmom wrote:

I have a Serta mattress that is only about a year old. It feels fine when I lay down on it, but by morning it feels like it is sagging - you can't really see it, but you can definitely feel an indent where each of us sleeps, and a pronounced hump in the middle between us.



I'm wondering if there is some way to tell if the problem is with the springs or the padding on top? (although, I suppose it could be both)


Since our mattress is only one year old, can I assume the springs are still good and it's just the crappy foam inside that's the problem?  I tried to find more info about this mattress, but all I could find out was that is uses a "continuous coil" system and has an "advanced comfort quilt" (yeah, right). 


If I can determine for sure that its just the foam that's the problem I may try some surgery.  Otherwise, I might just sell it.


Thanks for any advice.

Re: question about mattress sagging
Reply #2 Jul 14, 2010 9:12 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
I would say that is highly likely that it is the foam, knowing that they mainly use junky foam.  Steel springs don't go bad that quickly, unless you were really abusing them.  I did surgery on a Sealy, and I am much happier with it this way than with the original foam.
Re: question about mattress sagging
Reply #3 Jul 15, 2010 11:41 AM
Joined: Jul 7, 2010
Points: 13
If it is just the foam, I wonder if putting a topper on it would fix the problem, or if it would still feel saggy.


Sandman, did you try putting new foam on top of the sagging foam in your mattress before you did surgery?

Re: question about mattress sagging
Reply #4 Jul 15, 2010 12:06 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
tiredmom wrote:

If it is just the foam, I wonder if putting a topper on it would fix the problem, or if it would still feel saggy.



Sandman, did you try putting new foam on top of the sagging foam in your mattress before you did surgery?


No, I did not try that.  Maybe I tried it for just a few minutes to see how it would feel, but I knew I wanted to replace the cheap Sealy foam. 

I don't believe it would work, or at least I have not heard of anyone having success doing that.  Your weight will still push down the cheap sagging foam.  I suppose it could smooth out the sagging a bit if the topper is pretty firm, but it is sort of like building a foundation out of sand.  If you are going to buy some latex for surgery anyway, then I guess you would have nothing to lose by trying it on top first. 

Right now I am using 5" of foam directly on top of the coils, 2" or 32ILD 100% natural latex, 1" of 24ILD 100% natural latex, 1" of 19 ILD blended latex, 1" of 5Lb. Sensus memory foam.  I put a wool topper over that as well.

I guess if you were going to buy a couple inches if firm latex (around 32) as a base level, you could try that first on top of your mattress to see how it would work. 



Re: question about mattress sagging
Reply #5 Jul 15, 2010 4:03 PM
Joined: Feb 8, 2010
Points: 72
A topper can help a bit with a sagged bed, but rarely much, since even a deluxe, quality, sag resistant latex topper will just follow the contours of the sagged foam underneath, and give you a somewhat more comfortable version of the old mattress hell. So if the mattress is sagged, but the springs OK, you really got to get the old foam out before you put new foam on.

That's why I mentioned that nutty inflatable mattress saver - it's the only thing I've seen that offers a fighting chance of undoing sag without total surgery. If it worked, that is! 

Re: question about mattress sagging
Reply #6 Jul 15, 2010 5:11 PM
Joined: Jul 7, 2010
Points: 13
Thank you for your comments.


The other thing I have thought of trying is flipping the mattress over so that the padding is on the bottom (it is only padded on one side).  The foam would still be there, but with the entire weight of the mattress pressing down on it, it might compress more evenly.  Then I can put my 3" memory foam topper on and try that.  I suspect it will be way to hard, or even still saggy, but what have I got to lose, right?


Also, I just ordered a 3" Talalay blended topper in medium from SleepEZ.  My hope is that it will be a little firmer than my memory foam, and more consistent.  


I'll let you know if I try the upside down mattress thing.

Re: question about mattress sagging
Reply #7 Jul 15, 2010 5:39 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
tiredmom wrote:


Thank you for your comments.



The other thing I have thought of trying is flipping the mattress over so that the padding is on the bottom (it is only padded on one side).  The foam would still be there, but with the entire weight of the mattress pressing down on it, it might compress more evenly.  Then I can put my 3" memory foam topper on and try that.  I suspect it will be way to hard, or even still saggy, but what have I got to lose, right?


Also, I just ordered a 3" Talalay blended topper in medium from SleepEZ.  My hope is that it will be a little firmer than my memory foam, and more consistent.  


I'll let you know if I try the upside down mattress thing.

The medium latex should be firmer than any memory foam.

In terms of flipping, it might depend on what they have below the springs.  My Sealy feels like it has a firm layer of foam below the springs.  So, it is possible that would work.  I think it would definitely be firmer than putting the topper over the normal top side.

p.s. I once made the mistake of buying an all foam mattress that was way too soft on top.  I flipped it over and slept on the firm base foam with a 2" topper until I could get a replacement.  So, that was an improvement, but not good enough for a long term solution.


This message was modified Jul 15, 2010 by sandman

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