Questions about Dream Coil Topper
Apr 3, 2008 7:38 AM
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Points: 17
 I am considering buying this topper but I was reading on Amazon that everyone received yellowed and stain looking toppers and not what they looked like in the picture.  They were also complaining about being too short.  Maybe Amazons' were seconds but I was wondering if yours looked like the picture (whch is white) or was yours yellowed.  Is it very firm or does it seem supportive.  My husband has had neck and back fusions and I am trying to find something to help him be some what comfortable.  I am also considering buying the cuddlebed mattress pad too.  I am worried though that it wouldn't fit in my oversize washing machine as a bought a fluffy mattress pad from kohls and did not have good results with it holding up.

Thanks for your help,


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