Quick Fix?
Jul 15, 2015 12:08 PM
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." ..... Albert Einstein
Joined: Mar 18, 2011
Points: 29
4 years ago I bought a Talalay latex bed consisting of 6” (40 ILD), 3” (28 ILD), 2” (19 ILD). My back pain disappeared overnight. This was the case for about 2-3 years. Gradually, the pain returned as the mattress seemed to offer less support. I am heavyset at over 300 lbs, so I wasn’t expecting miracles, but it’s gotten to where every morning is an ordeal until I climb out of this hell hole of a bed.

Now I’m trying to figure out some kind of fix since there is no way to afford a new mattress. The place we bought from has closed down. I’ve even contemplated a piece of plywood in there somewhere. Or maybe another 2” topper of 44 ILD? Something in the middle? The layers appear normal to the eye (no depressions) but just seem softer. I’m fishing for answers and any help would be welcomed. 

Re: Quick Fix?
Reply #1 Jul 16, 2015 11:38 AM
Joined: Mar 27, 2014
Points: 189
jd2000.  You have a tough one here.  Has your weight remained the same these 4 years?  The hard part is going to be determining which layer has given up.  I would recommend taking the layers apart and laying each on the ground individually and use hand pressure to compare how firm the outer edge of the surface is to where you sleep.  I suspect that there will be one piece that you will notice a large difference.  That is likely the piece that you should start with.

Let's say you determined that the 3" (28ILD) was the piece that seemed to be broken down the most.  Try eliminating that from the bed and see how that sleeps for a few nights.  

Keep us posted.  Mattdud


4 years ago I bought a Talalay latex bed consisting of 6” (40 ILD), 3” (28 ILD), 2” (19 ILD). My back pain disappeared overnight. This was the case for about 2-3 years. Gradually, the pain returned as the mattress seemed to offer less support. I am heavyset at over 300 lbs, so I wasn’t expecting miracles, but it’s gotten to where every morning is an ordeal until I climb out of this hell hole of a bed.


Now I’m trying to figure out some kind of fix since there is no way to afford a new mattress. The place we bought from has closed down. I’ve even contemplated a piece of plywood in there somewhere. Or maybe another 2” topper of 44 ILD? Something in the middle? The layers appear normal to the eye (no depressions) but just seem softer. I’m fishing for answers and any help would be welcomed. 

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