$1,200 budget. Stomach sleeper. Lower back / sciatica issues. Must buy at Sleepy's...HELP!
Jul 24, 2010 5:55 PM
Joined: Jul 19, 2010
Points: 10
I recently bought a clearance mattress at Sleepys, it was way too soft, and now Sleepy's is offering up to an 80% discount if I buy another.  This is not an ideal scenario, but seeing the situation I got myself in I feel a bit fortunate they are willing to work with me since their policy states NO returns or exchanges on clearance items.  With that said, if I had bought a regular model it would cost $250 for their comfort exchange...again, less than ideal, but if I end up spending $200-$300 to replace my mattress, I won't be much worse off than I would have with their comfort exchange on a non clearance item.  Additionally, I might be able to keep the first one I bought, which could be used as a great guest bed or for a friend or relative.


I have a $1,200 budget (assuming 80% off, I can stomach the cost)

I am a stomach sleeper.  I have lower back and sciatic issues.  I get about 5-6 hours of sleep these days because my mattress is horrible, and my back pain makes it very difficult to get comfortable and stay comfortable throught the night.

I could REALLY use some assistance if anybody thinks they can help.  I've read online reviews and advice till I turned crosseyed.  I spent two full days browsing mattress stores. I still feel clueless, and possibly more confused than when I started the process in the first place.

Given Sleep's options, I was leaning towards  Simmons Beautyrest, in somewhat of a cushion firm model.  It was about $1,200 in the store when I was first there, so that's sort of where my thoughts are now.  But I have been reading a lot of reviews about the Beautyrests that say they sag after about 6-8 months, and with my back pain I just can't deal with that.  But at the same time most people with positive reviews are not going to go online, so I'm hoping somebody can help cut through all the varying opinions and provide some sound direction.

I have to note that the following brands are not eligible for this deal they are offering me: Sterns & Foster, Tempurpedic, Comfortpedic, and TruForm.  All other brands at Sleep's are on the table.

Re: $1,200 budget. Stomach sleeper. Lower back / sciatica issues. Must buy at Sleepy's...HELP!
Reply #2 Aug 1, 2010 9:49 AM
Joined: May 24, 2010
Points: 26
Most likely will have to pick a coil mattress, just depends if you like the pocketed coils Simmons use or if you prefer other types Serta and Sealy use. While I think that Simmons makes softer mattresses overall, in the plush/ firm, firm models they use thicker coil gauges that are actually thicker than most of what Sealy or Serta use. I had a similar problem, I bought a Simmons pillowtop with latex that initially felt great, but after six months or so it became too soft because the mattress uses the thinner gauge coils at 15 gauge. Every mattress will break in a bit and feel different, softer than when you first get it so keep that in mind. Stick with the plush/firm or firm models with Simmons and you should have no problem.
Re: $1,200 budget. Stomach sleeper. Lower back / sciatica issues. Must buy at Sleepy's...HELP!
Reply #3 Aug 1, 2010 5:08 PM
Joined: Jul 19, 2010
Points: 10
I ended up going with the Simmons Beautyrest World Class Plush-Firm.  It was labeled at $1,799 and they sold it to me for $600, offered one free comfort exchange and free shipping...so I was content with that deal.

It's pretty firm.  Just got it home on Friday and have slept two nights on it.  Its a bit of an adjustment from sleeping on the way-too-soft latex for a week, but I feel its the right mattress.  Its definitely the firmest mattress I've ever owned.  Since it does feel like its providing just the right firm support, if I do anything I might buy a 1" medium latex topper to give it a bit of give on the surface, but so far so good.

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