14 or 19 ILD Topper?
Oct 16, 2010 9:51 AM
Joined: Oct 16, 2010
Points: 2
Greetings, I have been lurking for quite some time and I am at my wits end. I have a coil mattress with latex on top. It is nice and supportive but I am looking for just a little more comfort on top and bit more relief from the pressure on my hips. I want that fluffy, squishy, cloud feeling. Should I get the 14 or 19 ILD latex topper from Sleep Like a Bear? Also, should I get 1" or 2"?  Any help is greatly appreciated.
Re: 14 or 19 ILD Topper?
Reply #11 Oct 18, 2010 12:32 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I think this question is impossible to answer in that it is going to boil down to personal preference. The difference of 5ILD is almost neglible and when rating them they say the ILD could be "within 3-5 ILD"...

You're just going to have to make your best guess and go for it. I would get 1" and then from that if you need another 1" you can decide to go with another of the one you got or a softer or firmer one.

As for memory foam I am another one who has sworn off of it. I have tried many different densities and thicknesses and even when it works for me, it does not work for long. I've never had a configuration including memory foam that worked for more than a few weeks. It always softens up too much, even the 5lb stuff. I've never tried the 8lb but I have to be skeptical based on the 3,4 and 5lb stuff I've used again and again with lousy results. That said, my wife has used 1" "fake" Venus (5lb) memory foam with success. But I think latex is the smarter way to go.

Re: 14 or 19 ILD Topper?
Reply #12 Feb 22, 2019 5:30 AM
Joined: Feb 22, 2019
Points: 1
<p> </p> ]
Sorry, what does ILD stand for?&nbsp; I went to SLAB website and did a search for toppers and found 1&quot; 2&quot; and 3&quot; Talalay.&nbsp; Not seeing 14 and 19 ILD... help?
[/quote wrote:
What is SLAB I keep seeing reference to it and when I google SLAB latex etc.. I can't find anything related to mattresses.
I ask because I am looking to find where I can find 14 ILD Talalay for my DIY Mattress build I am about to begin.
Thank you

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