I have been combing the world wide web for what i hope to be my last mattress. I just cant seem to pull the trigger. This all started after i layed on and almost purchased a Savvy Rest... it seemed like the right choice, and at this point i almost wished i had done it, so my sleepless nights of visiting the same web sites digging for information and assurance on the right mattress would be over. I just could not however purchase a mattress that felt good in this show room, on a whim. I knew nothing about the mattress, and actually at the time thought a rubber mattress sounded odd. So i decided to walk, thinking i would research that evening, and probably come back and buy the following day. That evening is when i opened 'the can of worms'. Im glad i stumbled upon this site... While Savvy Rest is still the only latex bed ive ever tried, i have found the web has many more options in the latex line. Now, which is best? Which one of these online retailors is good? Who should i stay away from? Heres what i think i know: I want talalay latex. I want to be able to change my density's if i dont get my densities right. So ive narrowed it down to: Savvy, flobed, and sleepez... I really like that savvy is right here, i can see it feel it drive it home myself if i want. I really like the idea and concept of the vzone at flobeds. And.. the price at sleepez is looking good... What now? How to choose? Help me sleep,
Phil |
I took shipment of my Flobed sleep system on Tuesday... After a very long day at work, i looked at the 6 boxes it arrived in and dreaded the thought of putting this thing together. I ended up having dinner and by the time i was done eating, i was excited to crack into the boxes and start building what i hoped to be a better nights sleep. I was prepared for quite a project, and was extremely satisfied as it went together easier than i could have imagined, in less than an hour!! The packaging was beyond impressive, latex layers were vacuum packaged to almost a disturbing size, my mind was whirling with what i thought they may have sent me, until i popped open the first layer, and "woosh", bing bang, the latex layer jumped out at me and took its full form immediately. I should back up to the foundation, i cannot say how cool the European slats are!! Extremely well built and easy to put together. I suppose i thought id be placing in each beech slat, but the slats are already installed and the unit goes together in minutes, 8 wing nuts and presto chango king size bent beachwood foundation, (built like a tank!) The hardest part of the installation was not to stop every bit and take pictures in marvel of my construction. As i layed the layers in, i did get a little apprehensive as the cover started to fill very quickly with foam, i still had my vzones and egg crated topper to put in. I cooled my jets remembering dewey saying something about the cover made half an inch smaller than the foam in response to my question about layers shifting. As the convoluted layer topped of my bed, i zipped it up, and .. couldn't resist... i quickly put on my dormeir mattress protector and sheets (my old flannel sheets i just cant let go) i then got ready for bed. (btw, its only 8:15 at this point, i usually don't turn in until 10-11) i dont know if i had ever been more excited to go to bed. I believe i fell asleep rather quickly, and awoke even quicker!?!?! Time for work? what? My first night was... well.. un eventful!! I slept thru the night like a baby. Night two, (just last night) was the same scenario.. slept soundly and great. I was in some kind of sick way, hoping to... "play" with my bed a little more, with all these possible adjustments, i cant stand that i don't need to adjust anything! Just for kicks i think tonight i will firm up my hip and lumbar just to see what that does.. being I've never slept so darn well, i probably shouldn't mess with anything, but lets roll the dice and see if my greats night sleep can get even better? Greedy? Yea.. probably.. I'll keep you posted. And probably post a few pictures ![]() Thanks A very Productive refreshed happy sleeper, Phil |