airing out latex?
Sep 10, 2009 12:47 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2009
Points: 29
My mattress from FBM is set to arrive tomorrow. I've read that some people air out the latex for 24 hrs, some for a week, some not at all. Is there a recommended amount of time? How much is it likely to smell (ie - should I clear out a room and plan on not using it until the mattress is aired out?). Thanks so much!
Re: airing out latex?
Reply #10 Sep 16, 2009 2:13 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
L.I. makes an excellent  product (Talatech) but that smell they infuse the latex with is really awful. After six weeks I returned the mattress but the smell lingered on. I had to wash my down comforter and air out my feather and down pillows to remove the odor that had permeated everything. For months after I would walk in the house and catch a whiff of that creme brulee smell of L.I. latex. It really turned my stomach. They really ought to tone it down or offer an unscented version for those of us who prefer a fragrance neutral environment.

Different manufacturers may introduce some kind of artificial scent in a latex product to disguise the faint rubber smell it has naturally. I bought a Natura latex topper which was made by Dunlopillo, and happily it had no artificial smell added. Whether the latex you order will have any nasty odor depends on who manufactured it. That's why some have said the latex they bought from FBM smelled fine, and others had just the opposite experience.

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