Airloom Latex vs. Tempurpedic - Help!
Jan 18, 2011 7:57 PM
Joined: Jan 19, 2011
Points: 1
Does anyone have experience with Airloom Luxury Latex vs. Tempurpedic mattresses?  We bought a Tempurpedic before Christmas and are in the midst of the 90 day window.  So far, my wife loves it, but I'm 215lbs, very athletic and it's bothering my back and sleeps very hot at night.  I'm thinking of sending it back and the salesman at Sit and Sleep recommended an Airloom Latex.  It looks and feels great in the store, but I've read some rather alarming reviews of their spring mattresses on line and really don't want to get the shaft for $4500.  Anyone with experience?
Re: Airloom Latex vs. Tempurpedic - Help!
Reply #3 May 20, 2011 7:37 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2011
Points: 163
There are some reviews of the Aireloom posted on this site (check teh reviews tab) that you probably would want to check out.....


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