Is all memory foam sensitive to room temperature
Jun 14, 2010 4:34 PM
Joined: May 12, 2010
Points: 241
I read that feekling of tempurpedic changes as room temperature and your body heat affect it.

But is all memory foam behaves like tempurpedic does? Thanks

Re: Is all memory foam sensitive to room temperature
Reply #11 Jun 16, 2010 3:49 PM
Location: San Jose, CA
Joined: Apr 4, 2010
Points: 143
roy1 wrote:


I was wrong.

BTW what is sensus?


Sensus is the brand name of a 5lb (medium/firm) memory foam made by a company called Foamex. They also make a 4lb (soft) mf called "Aerus", and a 7lb (firm) mf called Venus. Aerus is blue, Sensus is pink, and Venus is some other color, I forget. (Although, Overstock is selling so-called Venus toppers, which are actually Aerus toppers. Kinda bogus.)

AFAIK, Foamex doesn't actually make beds and pillows, they make the foams that other companies use in their beds and pillows, similar to LI making talalay for all of those mattress companies. (Although, LI does make their own line of pillows.)

From my recent research, the Foamex memory foams are highly regarded, and seem to be considered the second best after TP. So, if you want to save money by buying a non-TP bed, you should stick with one that uses Foamex Sensus, at minimum. There appear to be many etailers on the Web selling MF beds and toppers made of Foamex foams.

In fact, if the 1" latex topper works out on my half of our new bed, I will buy a 1" Sensus topper for my wife's half to match heights. (She prefers MF to latex.)

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