Any experience with Naturally Organic Innerspring mattress from Sleeptek?
Dec 5, 2011 6:35 AM
Joined: Nov 27, 2011
Points: 8
I found this mattress at the Does anyone have any experience with these? They don't have a showroom where I stay so I am wary of spending a tonne later to be dissatisfied. I am mainly looking for a non-offgassing completely chemical free and firm mattress for my 3 year old kid. Does this mattress fit the bill?

Thank you.


Re: Any experience with Naturally Organic Innerspring mattress from Sleeptek?
Reply #7 Dec 13, 2011 8:43 AM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
It takes a long time to sensitize someone to latex, and it usually has to do with other chemicals added into it.  There are a lot of people that cannot wear latex gloves but can touch natural latex foam and not have any of the skin type reactions that they get from the gloves.  The people that actually collect hevea milk for instance almost never get allergic to natural latex even though they touch it in the purest possible form every day.  

Organic sheeps wool for example is a very safe choice...people have lived with wool for thousands and thousands of years...wool allergies are a fairly new thing in human history...used to be an extremely rare thing to be legitimately allergic to sheeps wool or lanolin.  Now with all the chemical treatments done to standard mass produced wool we have a lot more people claiming allergies or sensitivities to wool.  Peanut allergies share a similar history...after WWII and the widespread use of pesticides and insecticides came into use it changed the way the agricultural industry works almost completely.  Take for instance cotton growing, it is the most heavily sprayed crop in the entire world...the land that normal cotton is grown on after enough time becomes to toxic that you can hardly grow anything in it anymore.  But you can grow peanuts, and they just leach most of the chemicals out of the soil.  Now we have tons of people that are allergic to peanuts.  

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