Any experience with Simmons Beautyrest Black or Sealy Springfree?
May 15, 2009 6:50 AM
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 1
I currently own a 4 year old Sealy.  It has been too soft for me from day and and now how a divit, which causes my girlfriend to roll into me.  She's had it with the mattress and will no longer sleep on it.  I also to not get a good nights sleep, no aches, but wake up tired every morning

So, obviously I need something new.  I've done my reading and see Latex beds like flobeds and sleepez are well liked, but I'm nervous about buying a bed without testing on it.  I've been to pretty much every bed center and furniture store within 20 miles and found that the Simmons Beautyrest Black Plush Firm (no pillow top) @ $1800 and the Simmons Springfree Plush, also $1800, to be the best.  We liked these two for the support and cussion they gave as well as having minimal motion transfer.  I've been reading mixed reviews about both mattress and brands and know they both have the crappy PU foam in them.  I'm beginning to reach my wits end with mattress shopping and just need some solid advice.

Will I regret buying one of these mattresses?

Also on a side note, I am planning on moving out of the state in a few months.  Am I better off buying from a big chain, which will be in my new city(Macys) vs. a local Mattress Warehouse.  Will the Mattress Warehouse service me if i live in another state?


Re: Any experience with Simmons Beautyrest Black or Sealy Springfree?
Reply #2 Jun 13, 2009 7:54 PM
Joined: Jun 13, 2009
Points: 3
DH and I tried a SpringFree for about half an hour at a local shop about a week ago. Very firm initial feel, which we liked, but all of the big S's latex mattresses seem to have PU foam in them or some kind of extra "cushion" on top that isn't latex at all. And their cores aren't usually latex, either. Maybe in a few years, the big S companies will truly go to latex, but for now, it seems like a ripoff. Latex is just a buzz-word for them right now.

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