Anyone care to comment on Foam By Mail Memory toppers?
Mar 19, 2009 9:18 AM
Joined: Feb 26, 2009
Points: 17
They say the 4.5lb isn't as much temp sensitive as the 5.5lb, which is "closer" to T-Pedics patented foam (I know no one has that exact one).  They deny they're made in China (if that counts).  But it would be nice to hear from users.

BTW, I see all sorts of posts using mem foam under latex, that doesn't make sense - does it?  I thought the mem had to conform to the body and used body heat, so it had to be the top.

I have a zillion combos of FBM latex and have found that they are all firmer than their ILDs would seem.  Once I knew that I could plan better, but I would have saved $$ ordering softer at first.  So I understand this is all  very subjective anyway from my latex trials, but doesn't hurt to ask.
Re: Anyone care to comment on Foam By Mail Memory toppers?
Reply #7 Mar 24, 2009 4:59 AM
Joined: Mar 10, 2009
Points: 28
That's good to know, thanks. As things stand right now, I plan on ordering the base foam of my mattress in high Q,  high R,  PU and then top it with 2 latex toppers, medium and soft, that I can switcheroo if needed. The only questions left in my mind are the thicknesses of these pieces.....
Re: Anyone care to comment on Foam By Mail Memory toppers?
Reply #8 Mar 25, 2009 1:13 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
Beanie wrote:
I thought all talalay latex >40 inches had glue seams. Is the FMB latex dunlop? Interesting...

Latex International (LI) Talalay will have a glue seam because their molds are 40" --although I  have heard their east coast plant has wider molds. Other manufacturers use different sized molds so you might not see a glue seam. Some people think a core with a glue seam is an inferior product, but LI makes very consistent high quality foam, and the glue seam does not effect the durability or comfort of the core.
Re: Anyone care to comment on Foam By Mail Memory toppers?
Reply #9 Mar 25, 2009 5:25 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Points: 53
Cloud9... thanks for the info on glue seams. I always learn something new on this board. You guys are great!
Re: Anyone care to comment on Foam By Mail Memory toppers?
Reply #10 Apr 3, 2009 2:42 PM
Joined: Apr 3, 2009
Points: 1
I purchased 2 - 4.5lb memory foam toppers from Foam By Mail.  After using for 1 month they flattened and would not expand.  I decided to weigh the mattress and found out it was not 4.5lb foam.  I purchased a 3" king pad which is 76"x80"x3" or 10.55 cubic ft.  A 4.5lb pad would therefore weigh about 47.5lbs, but my pad weighed about 36lbs.  I called and complained and they allowed me to return the pad and even paid for return shipping.  Good customer service but it was a real pain to repack the pads.  I purchased from Bergad\Isoform and have been pleased.

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