Anyone have luck with 'cooling' pads other than wool?
Sep 17, 2009 1:02 PM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223
Sorry--i know i've posted about this before. Just wondering if anyone has had success with the 'cooling' mattress covers (iso-cool, cool comfort, outlast technology, etc.), as they're a bit cheaper than the wool toppers.

Re: Anyone have luck with 'cooling' pads other than wool?
Reply #1 Sep 17, 2009 6:42 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Sorry, I have no info on those. But I just ran across these at in case you're still interested in wool.
If not, maybe someone else is so I'll post it here anyway if you don't mind:

I'm going to look into getting my king sized flobeds one cut in half so I can use it on my twin. I loved it when we were using it on our king sized bed.

Someone once asked me who made mine. Mine was originally from flobeds though they no longer sell it. In fact, I think we bought it during their close-out, maybe.
It's a Nature's Comfort made by St. Peter's Woolen Mill:

Pretty sure we got the Standard, not the Heavy, and we paid only $220 or so for it, not the price it shows here.  It's about 1¼" thick when not layed on but of course it mashes down to like 3/8" when you lay on it. No support, just softness.One thing I'll tell you is that it feels better than the CuddleBed to crawl on top of! That's why I finally broke down and cut it to size, tonight! The Cuddlebed is nice, don't get me wrong, but its no competition for pure wool with a cotton cover. Is it worth the money? Tough to say. If you've got the money, yes; if you are low on funds, then a CuddleBed will do. But if you want COOL, try to find a wool one. I'm guessing even a thin wool one would provide some coolness, if not as much "comfort".

By the way, sent me a coupon code which I doubt I am going to use, good until Sunday the 20th of Sept, 2009:
- to use at checkout. I ASSUME anyone can use it...? It's worth a try if anyone orders from there betwen now and Sunday.

Sometimes you can find coupons on those coupon sites, just go to google and type in "coupon for" or "promo code for"... Shipping is only $2.95 and an extra 7% off with this coupon.
This message was modified Sep 17, 2009 by jimsocal

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