Anyone knows about Laura Ashley latex mattress at Sears?
May 18, 2011 1:42 PM
Joined: May 18, 2011
Points: 5




I am looking for latex mattress with king size.

I found Laura Ashley latex mattress at Sears ( but couldn't find any review on it through online.

Is there anyone who has experience with this mattress?




This message was modified May 19, 2011 by phynars
Re: Anyone knows about Laura Ashley latex mattress at Sears?
Reply #12 Jun 28, 2011 7:31 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2011
Points: 163
One thing that maybe goes without saying with the knowledgeable people on this forum, but maybe bears mentioning anyway, relates to the possibility of mattress surgery. If these mattresses are basically composed of PU foam with a latex topper, you won't be able to do mattress surgery and replace the deteriorating foam. Some of the mattresses have PU on top, and in those cases, you could remove and replace it.

Just thought I'd mention this for people considering buying a "designer" mattress that is primarily composed of PU foam. Once the PU foam in that kind of mattress gives out, the whole thing is done for, and you'll be facing buying something else....Well, best case scenario, I guess maybe you could salvage the latex topper and buy another mattress to go underneath it - unless it's glued on, of course. cool

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