Anyone shipped a latex sleepEZ mattress to Canada?
Apr 23, 2010 9:55 PM
Joined: Apr 19, 2010
Points: 4
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone has shipped a latex mattress from SleepEZ to Canada?  I called and found out that each box costs $99 to ship.  But I'm wondering about customs duty...  Are these mattresses exempt?  If not, does anyone know approximately how much duty is charged?  I realize I'll probably have to pay GST.  Also, do they ship fedex to Canada too?  Thanks!
Re: Anyone shipped a latex sleepEZ mattress to Canada?
Reply #2 Apr 23, 2010 10:12 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
Not sure on the Dunlop or Talalay....however one member had a bed sent to him from the US.  The fee's are not horrible so long as it can be sent through the postal service....if its UPS'd or Fed Ex'd then its gonna hurt
Re: Anyone shipped a latex sleepEZ mattress to Canada?
Reply #3 Apr 23, 2010 11:16 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 404
I did a Flobed a few years back (didn't keep it).  UPS customs brokerage fee was quite a lot.  UPS is always higher than any other courier and I avoid them like the plague if I can.

The mattress itself was duty-free under NAFTA because it was manufactured in the U.S. and Flobeds shipped it with the necessary NAFTA papers.  If I recall, with brokerage fees and return shipping, it turned out to be about a $400 experiment.  However, we don't have a component mattress company in Canada like Flobeds or Sleepez so you're stuck if that's the way you want to go.  You might want to check with Flobeds to see if they will ship free to Canada.  For some reason I'm thinking with my bed 5 years ago I didn't pay for shipping to me (except for that darned UPS brokerage fee) but it really cost me a lot to send it all back.


Re: Anyone shipped a latex sleepEZ mattress to Canada?
Reply #4 Apr 23, 2010 11:24 PM
Joined: Apr 19, 2010
Points: 4
Thank you for all the replies!  I appreciate your help  :)