Are those of us who won't tolerate sagging PU-foam mattresses a small fringe group? Are we so few in numbers that the big mattress makers just don't care? Will consumers on the whole ever stop tolerating (read: purchasing) sagging PU-foam mattresses, and therefore force the big mattress makers to either change their ways or go out of business? Or is this sad trend of sagging PU-foam mattresses being "normal" destined to continue for years/decades into the future? What are your thoughts on these issues? |
I wake up in pain everyday from a saggy dead PU topped mattress. Serta Perfect night, that cost $2000 new. The most expensive model on the floor when I bought it. I was great for the first 3 years, then started going downhill from there. After 5 years it was uncomfortable. a 2" soft latex topper did not rescue this mattress.
I'm close to purchasing a latex core for a DIY latex bed thanks to this forum, but I've been verry apprehensive because I do not want to make another costly mistake.
You are absolutely 100% on the mark actually. I personally don't expect people to believe everything I say as gospel, particularly when they are visiting my store because I have to assume from the start they they may not have done any research. |
I think the reality of people realizing how lousy new SCo mattresses are made is just catching up with the mattress industry. It may be a while yet before everyone in the U.S. knows they are crappy, but that day WILL come if they don't change their ways. And when it does it is going to bite them on the behind, big time. I'm talking the potential collapse of the spring mattress industry. My sister in law and her new husband went out and bought a new mattress, unbeknownst to my wife and I. She did not know of my interest in nor knowledge of mattresses so we didn't hear about it until after the purchase. Then, she called her sister (my wife) and said how upset they were because they had just paid around $2k for a new mattress and as soon as they slept on it, it hurt their backs. Neither really had any "sleep issues" (Bad back, etc.), they just felt it was time for a new mattress so bought one. Apparently they bought it from a place that doesn't do sleep trials, so they felt they were stuck with it. I told them to do mattress surgery but - like many people - they thought it was a nutty idea. I think there are many, many people complaining about their crappy SCo mattresses, on the net and in their personal conversations. On the other hand, there are a lot - maybe the majority - of people who can "sleep on anything" and they'll love their crappy pee-yew foam mattress. At least for a year or two. Problem there, is that they won't realize that ALL the PU SCo mattresses are made more or less the same, that is that they'll break down in a couple years or less. So they'll just say, "Man, I'll never buy another Spring Air!" Then they'll go out and buy a Sealy or a SImmons, not realizing they're all made from junky foam. So for many buyers, it will take years before they put it all together. We here at are "fringe" only in the sense that we are on the cutting edge of knowledge about SCo mattresses and what's inside them and why they hurt our backs after a short time. |