Attention C.H. Beckley Owners
Sep 14, 2008 6:40 PM
Joined: May 13, 2008
Points: 3
Hi All,

Thank you in advance.

I ordered and have been sleeping on a Beckley mattress for several weeks. I LOVE IT. By far the best mattress I have ever owned, and for that pricepoint, I have very few complaints. I just flipped my mattress and noticed that the tag says:

Horse Hair - 60%
Hog Hair - 40%

Both of those together make up 70% of the stuffing. The other 30% is cotton.

When I ordered this and was on the website there was never any mention of "hog hair ." Can anyone else who has one look? I am curious if yours is the same, and if it is something to raise a fuss about. Again, I love the mattress, but this seems a bit misleading.

Re: Attention C.H. Beckley Owners
Reply #3 Sep 16, 2008 2:08 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 361
couldn't find my tag - could be on the boxspring which is hidden by sleigh bed rails.....

I agree it's a good bed, we are nearly two years into it and it seems brand new.  Still firm though!

Re: Attention C.H. Beckley Owners
Reply #4 Jul 23, 2012 11:36 AM
Joined: Jul 23, 2012
Points: 1
sweepytime wrote:

In reponse to sweeptime.

I have been researching, for a number of months, for a larger sized horse hair mattress.   The first email to C H Berkley provided basic information.
When I asked (3 times by email) about the percentage breakdown of the filling (web site states "the mixture of 70% natural hair and 30% cotton felt fillings") I was told that "the mattress is horse hair with a small percent of hog hair added for bulk"
To me, a small percentage is normally 10-25%.
After 2 more un-responded emails, I called and was told that the actual fill was Horse Hair - 60%: Hog Hair - 40%.  Both of those together make up 70% of the stuffing. The other 30% is cotton.  NO MENTION of hog hair could be found on the main site.
With the minimal email responses, overall experience and additional shipping fee, I decided that the company website is indeed mis-leading and when questioned, the attitude was more of 'like it or lump it'.
As a result of my experience, I have decided to go the latex avenue.  Whilst I understand the nature of the horse hair product not being condusive to a return policy, the latex suppliers at least offer 100% refund after 100 days.

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