Back in the game. Considering memory foam
Aug 21, 2011 12:25 PM
Joined: Jun 8, 2011
Points: 100
So, this cheapo firm Sam's Night Therapy innerspring is probably ok to hold us over until we determine a longer term mattress solution. But, this one is not it. But, at least it was super cheap!

For all the negatives I read about memory foam, all the friends I have who have them love them. I have a few friends with Tempurpedic (they love them), one with Comforpedic (she loves it), and a friend with the 13" Ara from Costco (he loves it).

I went mattress hunting again for a little while yesterday b/c I wanted to check out the Comforpedic and Tempurpedic beds again. And a few others. I did really like the Tempurpedic Deluxe. Seems like a nice medium to firm. Not so soft and sinking as the Cloud models, but not as hard as the Advantage and Original. Somewhere in the middle. Nicely conforming, but not too much sinking. Trying to get my husband over to see one.

Also trying to get over to see my friend's 13" Ara from Costco. I think I may be done buying mattresses from the internet that I can't lay on first. Not knocking that. I just havent had good luck so far. So, I think I need to be sure and try it out first.

The Deluxe (now called Contour Select) is more than I wanted to spend, but Mattress firm does have 0% interest for quite a while so you wouldnt have to fork it over all at once. They also have a one year full refund return. Of course the Ara is less and has a long return with Costco, but I havent tried it in person yet.


I can't really justify the money to get the adjustable bed at the moment, but I have done a lot of reading about incline sleeping. You can literally buy an inclined box spring so your head is elevated like 8 degrees. The box is only $315 which isn't too bad. But, it's wood slat, which is extremely firm as slpngoc has pointed out recently. But, I think the tempurpedic boxes are solid wood slat also, correct?

I'm wondering if you feel the wood box less in memory foam than in latex? The Deluxe is 10" and the Ara is 13".

Just researching these for now! Man, what I would give to finally find the right mattress and just sleep well, wake up without back pain! Wish there was a magic genie with the answer!

Re: Back in the game. Considering memory foam
Reply #4 Aug 23, 2011 4:05 PM
Joined: Jun 8, 2011
Points: 100
And you liked the feel of the one on the TP box foundation?

I do like a medium to firm feel, but some contouring :) Hoping to get my hubby out to try it tonight! Too bad b/c I LOVED the feel of the Deluxe. Hoping the Contour Select feels the same b/c you can't even get the Deluxe anymore. Of course!

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