Best mattress for heavy man...?
Nov 6, 2011 2:09 PM
Joined: Oct 20, 2011
Points: 5
Since people here are "in the know" - I'm curious what mattress would you nice folks recommend for a big heavy guy... I'm about 6 ft and 375 pounds (no jokes please).   So yeah, I know I'm a fatty.  I've had back issues since I was a kid, having curvature of my spine - and I live with back pain every day.


I know some people love memory foam beds like tempurpedic, I've heard lots of negatives especially for heavy people, like heat, sinking in so far its hard to climb out in the morning, and simply not being able to hold up the weight of a man my size.


We had a serta pillow top, junk. replaced it within a year of purchase because it was just plain bad.... probably a better bed for someone more in the normal range of weight - but it was really uncomfortable for me.


Recently bought a stearns and foster abby lynn mattress from a s&f retailer clearance center, and got a great deal.  So far, I really like it, with the exception that the foam edge on my side has collapsed like, it has little to no rigidness (if that's a real word), you can sit on the edge on my wife's side and it firm and holds me up... on my side, I feel like I go all the way down to the box springs.  And yeah, it was like that from minute one - I guess that's why it was on clearance. The edge doesn't seem to affect  my side while sleeping however, only when I'm really close to that edge. otherwise, its great.



But what would YOU suggest as a good comfortable mattress for a guy my size????

Re: Best mattress for heavy man...?
Reply #5 Nov 26, 2011 10:18 PM
Joined: Nov 26, 2011
Points: 3
hI Toaster:

               When you mentation that you are a fatty with 375 pounds, I just think of my boss!  He is a fat man too. 

               For the fat people pocket spring with latex mattress is suitable.   Latex is cool and flexitable to human body, as we know the temputer between the body and mattress is 29'C, fat

people maybe higher than this number. 5 cm Latex on the top can keep your body in a good temputer and support all the pressure point of the body, keep your blood around! And the

pocket spring can hold your spine in the steight position, relatex your muscle so that you can enjoy a good sleeping.

                The point is you have to choise a very firm mattress, 1.6mm diameter spring wire is soft mattress and suitable to 50-100kg weight,    1.8mm diameter spring wire is standard and

suitable to 100-150 kg weight,  2.0mm diameter spring wire is very firm and suitable for you!

                To reduce the compress of the mattress, we can add 2.5cm soft foam on the topper, then it will helpful for you and got a better feeling. Of courese join 2cm memory foam on the top of latex can make the mattress more comfortable.

                 The mattress size must be large so that you have enough space to turn over the body. 

                 If you are free to China, maybe I can design a mattress for you. he he!

                 But in here, the forum moderator is better than me!


Re: Best mattress for heavy man...?
Reply #6 Dec 3, 2011 7:53 AM
Joined: Aug 8, 2011
Points: 4
I am a mattress retailer in Canada. Each individual deserves a different bed.  Heavier people should be on a latex bed. The reason is, the heavier a person is the harder they will be on a set of coils.  For durability and pressure relief a latex bed is superior

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