Blended latex and dust mite allergy?
Oct 2, 2012 5:40 AM
Joined: Oct 2, 2012
Points: 1
I know that 100% natural latex is resistant to dust mites. I've seen conflicting information, but it seems like the blended latex is somewhat resistant, but not as much. Is that correct? And would it make sense to use an allergy encasing on a latex bed, or would that take away too much of the feel of the latex?

thank you - KF

Re: Blended latex and dust mite allergy?
Reply #3 Oct 22, 2012 3:33 AM
Joined: Oct 3, 2012
Points: 6
Since I am highly allergic to dust mites, I always encase my mattress and boxspring (as well as any other mattresses in the house).  This time I plan on using an organic cotton encasing for the mattress.  Just buy a good quality encasing, the cheap ones will make you sweat.  They really help.

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