Body Depressions - Latex vs. Coil Spring Bed
Feb 20, 2008 8:48 PM
Joined: Feb 20, 2008
Points: 11
Give the core material, will a latex bed show body depressions as fast, slower or none at all when compared to a coil spring bed ?

I've been looking at different beds out of them, I've narrowed it down to a S&F/Sealy Latex Matrress or a McRoskey.
Did not like the feel of any of the foams at all. 
Re: Body Depressions - Latex vs. Coil Spring Bed
Reply #7 Feb 23, 2008 9:08 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 395
As I've opined before, that's how all coil mattresses should be made/offered. My guess is that basic support system decision possibly could be made based on weight/body type/sleep position preference (though original choice apparently wasn't firm enough for BB). Further adjustments/fine tuning probably could be done through comfort layers. Not as much of a crapshoot as sealed systems. Here's a link for another custom mattress manufacturer only one time zone away. They can use latex, but are sealed systems: But, since NC is/was the furniture capital of the U.S., there may be shops in your neck of the woods doing the same thing as BB's California shop. And again, once you have a good idea of the coil system that works for you, have a mattress made with almost zero padding (nothing which will permanently compress) and a basic, non-padded cover. Then construct your own separate mini-mattress to form the comfort system, building up the layers until you're happy, then buying the cover to contain it. Corner straps will hold it in place. [Don't have preconceived notions about topper thickness. 2"-3" may be OK, but my custom zoned topper for side sleeping is 5"-6"].
Re: Body Depressions - Latex vs. Coil Spring Bed
Reply #8 Feb 23, 2008 11:01 AM
Location: NC
Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Points: 72
Thanks for absolutely wonderful info Mccldwll. I will check out the site. It's also good to know about your preferred thickness because I too am a side sleeper and will get aches and toss if the mattress isn't cushioned enought. It's quite an adventure isn't it?