Breathable and Waterproof Mutually Exlusive?
Sep 2, 2010 7:36 AM
Joined: Sep 2, 2010
Points: 5
Hi - I'm Meghan.  I'm new!   Just bought a new Select-a-Firmness split king mattress (in soft) from Overstock.  Yes, I know Overstock mattresses are not returnable, etc., etc., but so far I am very happy with the mattress.  Since we wanted to do the adjustable bases, too, Tempurpedics were way beyond our price range and Costco return doesn't do me a lot of good since we live in BFE and there are no stores within a 400 mile radius.    This brand of split King mattresses were $600 (for both!!) and after doing a lot of research on this site and beyond, I decided to take a risk and go with this mattress.   The price was too good to pass up.  It also gives us a chance to really try out memory foam to really decide if we like it.  Even if this mattress fails in a few years, the price will still have been worth it for a "trial."  So far I cannot complain.  The mattress is amazing.   Even the soft is *very* firm, though, so if you're thinking about this mattress, read the reviews before you order a medium or firm firmness level.  I like a firm mattress, and "soft" is firm in this mattress.  We also bought 2 twin xls Ergomotion adjustable bases at the same time (also from Overstock) and saved almost $500 buying them from the website rather than the local dealer (both adjustable bases were around $1475, no tax, free shipping).

This brings me to my question.  We bought some waterproof mattress protectors at the same time and I am not too happy with the way they feel.  I like the memory foam a lot better without them on.   However, I have 3 small children and, while they don't sleep with us, I don't trust them not to have some sort of incident where they sneak a drink in while watching TV in there or the youngest has a diaper leaking incident.

I have been reading a lot on these forums and see that people really like the St. Dormier mattress protectors, but I am balking at the price and wondering whether that would really be the right thing for us since they are not truly waterproof.  Thoughts/ideas?

The mattress protectors we have right now are the "Tuff Guard" ones and they seem very similar to the Tempurpedic mattress protectors or the Protectabed ones - a very thing "breathable" layer (doesn't seem so breathable to me) with a thin polyurethane layer.  I can always move them to the kids' beds if they don't work out for us.

Re: Breathable and Waterproof Mutually Exlusive?
Reply #2 Sep 2, 2010 11:19 AM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
If comfort is what you are seeking I am positive the Dormeir pad would have a more comfortable feeling than being directly on the plastic protector. It is a bit costly but usually well worth it.  In the mean time while your kiddos are still young you could just leave the water proof layer underneath for now.  Realistically if the kids are not sleeping in that bed and you were around when an accident happened you would likely have more than enough time to strip the bedding before any real damage could be done even without the waterproof layer.  Wool is pretty absorbant.
Re: Breathable and Waterproof Mutually Exlusive?
Reply #3 Sep 2, 2010 11:59 AM
Joined: Sep 2, 2010
Points: 5
Thanks, Budgy, I appreciate the advice.  Will look further into the Dormier toppers.  I know wool can be very absorbent from my cloth diapering days.   I just worry about a major spill.  My husband is a lot more lax about enforcing the "rules" than I am.  *sigh*  Good idea bout keeping the waterproof layer underneath for now and just topping it with the wool.  Hmm....

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