Can anyone ID this Latex?
Dec 18, 2009 11:25 AM
Joined: Mar 30, 2009
Points: 29
Seems firm, I thought it was Latex Green, now i'm not sure.

Re: Can anyone ID this Latex?
Reply #2 Dec 21, 2009 1:41 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
i can say 100% sure that this is indeed made by Latex green in Sri Lanka. 

may I ask why you want to know?
Re: Can anyone ID this Latex?
Reply #3 Jan 4, 2010 4:42 AM
Joined: Mar 30, 2009
Points: 29
Just curious, they will not reply to my emails. It was sent to me as a replacement by Land and Sky. Knowing who made it and their rating helps. I have been through *many* pieces of latex trying to get this right.

The original 3" top the bed came with was the softness i really wanted, but i was "going through" to the firm lower core, so after I returned my wonderful soft top without an RMA number, it sat in their factory for 6 weeks when I returned it. turns out I needed an RMA number, but was never told that.

Now they will not help me at all, i paid shipping both ways, but they will not take back what they sent me.

Bottom line is what they sent just said "medium" and was way too firm for me. replied to my first email immediately when I asked for a dealer, they sent me to a place in the midwest, i purchased was was supposed to be a soft latex topper 3" for something like $350 and it was way too firm once again, when i contacted they never got back to me ever again.

Still trying to get that soft "sink in" feel that i originally had when I bought the bed. May even try some 14 ILD Talatech, well see.

Right now I have 3" of 19 ILD Talatech LI on top, but the center Latex Green Medium piece is too firm below.

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