Closing in on a Purchase - Thoughts and advice needed.
Sep 12, 2010 3:45 PM
Joined: Aug 11, 2010
Points: 33
So I finally got to try out some mattresses out for the first time ever.  It was a pretty interesting experience.   Most of the places I went were pretty car salesmen oriented, but that is neither here nor there.


I went to three stores; my goal was not to try to buy anything, but rather to get a feel for what is firm, medium, soft, and what is in the mattress to make them such.  I plan to make a modular bed and really wanted to get a feel for what all the numbers felt like so when I order I will be getting the correct firmness and materials etc… I am not going the route of a spring bed, obviously.  My objective at this point is to make a bed that I can change in case I don’t like it, but with minimal money to make the correction.

I slept on a latex medium/firm bed at my Mother’s for 3 nights.  My first night I slept really well and my back felt good the other nights I slept poor, but not because of the mattress…too much to drink.  My lower back pain was less.  My mind was already made up for a full latex bed, but when trying out mattresses…

I did find I like the feel of foam beds, at least the top part of them and the bed that felt the most comfortable was one that was made from 5”acella-flex base with a 3 inch 4lb memory foam topper. It was comfy and soft, but felt firm below the top layer.  I also like the feel of some of the tempur-pedic beds….never thought I would like them, but they felt good to me.  Although one almost gave me motion sickness, as I felt I kept sinking –their top of the line one.  I think I liked the classic and advantage….can’t remember.

So putting my experience together, I think I am going to take this approach.  Buy a latex base in 2” or 3” increments and then put a 2-3” of memory foam on top.  If I don’t like the memory foam I will just add latex in its place.  It seems medium and firm mattresses in the stores consisted of a 5-6” base at 35-36 ILD to start then deviate to different top layers, makes sense to do this, but I am going to go a little firmer on the first layer to about a 40ILD…would that be too firm?

Side and Stomach sleeper.  5’ 9”, weigh about 170lbs, big shoulders and chest, tiny waist(I think this causes issues)

I think my first stab at layers will be something like this…


2” of 40ild

3” 0f 35ild

2-3” memory foam(Sensus and mem-cool/Aerus)

Then I will go from there.


-Do they make a 100% Natural Talalay in anything firmer than 35ild, or do I have to go to Talatech?

-What is Acella-flex foam?  Any info and thoughts on it?

-What is the best place to order from online for LI latex?  SLB, foamsource? I can’t return anything, due to my locations, so looking for the best price..  I am also slightly considering FBM, but figure you get what you pay for.


Any thoughts to my insanity?

This message was modified Sep 12, 2010 by Ser_renely
Re: Closing in on a Purchase - Thoughts and advice needed.
Reply #2 Sep 13, 2010 7:04 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Your approach sounds okay.  You may need something medium in between the memory foam and the firm base (latex in the 20s?) to to reduce the feeling of pressure points hitting the firmer level below.  But, you probably could wait on that to see if it works okay without it.

SLAB, sleepez, foamsource, foamsweetfoam (use to sell 3" pieces, but not sure if they still do), rockymountainmattress (in 24, 32 - maybe they could source something else if you call) seem to be the main places, but you can google search for others.

I would be tempted by the 5lb. Aerus, with the main downsize that it only comes in 2.5".  I like the breathability factor, high density, and made by Foamex.  Not many have tried it though (generally positive reviews on Amazon and Samsclub), so not sure how it actually feels.   If you buy from Sam's club, you can return (but sounds like not an option for you).

I put my Sensus on top recently, and it does get hotter than I like.  I am more heat sensitive than most, and others are happy with it on top.  Like everything else, you probably are going to have to figure out what works best for you.

You probably want to invest in a decent wool filled mattress pad like St. Dormier.

Re: Closing in on a Purchase - Thoughts and advice needed.
Reply #3 Sep 13, 2010 8:05 AM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
Ser_renely wrote:


-Do they make a 100% Natural Talalay in anything firmer than 35ild, or do I have to go to Talatech?

Foamsource has 100% natural talalay in 38-42 ILD.  I have purchased the 100% natural talalay from them.  I also own blended talalay.  In my opinion, the blended is a better product.  However they are very similar.  Good luck to you.

Re: Closing in on a Purchase - Thoughts and advice needed.
Reply #4 Sep 13, 2010 8:37 AM
Joined: Aug 11, 2010
Points: 33
SandMan, I do think you are right and that I will need a layer on top of the 35ild or so....I will try the memory foam and go from there.  I will just sell the foam here if it does not work for me here.


Thanks for the info MequonJim, I guess I forgot to look at when I was doing my calculations, they do have 38-42.  Why do you think the blended is a better product?  


When they say 38-42 I am assuming that the ball park range they are giving?  The piece you order will fall into that range? Or do you pick in that range?


Thanks, all


Re: Closing in on a Purchase - Thoughts and advice needed.
Reply #5 Sep 13, 2010 4:36 PM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
LI probably has a target ILD of 40 for that product.  They do ILD testing in multiple areas of the core and put the results on the label.  There is always variation but usually contained in +/- 2 ILD from the target.  They put an average ILD of the core on the label also.

I think the blended is slightly more consistent.  It also has I think double the warranty (20 years vs. 10 years) from my recollection, so it should be more durable.  Smell wise I think they smell very similar.  Look wise they look basically identical.  Feel wise the natural feels jigglier (if that is a word).  I bought the natural thinking it would be healthier, but I don't think that is true.

Re: Closing in on a Purchase - Thoughts and advice needed.
Reply #6 Sep 13, 2010 5:46 PM
Joined: Aug 11, 2010
Points: 33
Ok, I see, that makes sense.


I don't know if Jigglier, is a word but I think it conveys the right image. :) 


So when you thought healthier, you were thinking that because it was "all natural" it would be a better?


How do you compare the feel sleeping on them?



Re: Closing in on a Purchase - Thoughts and advice needed.
Reply #7 Sep 14, 2010 6:18 AM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
I think the blended feels more secure when sleeping on it, less of the jiggly firm jello feeling.  All of my future purchases of latex will be LI blended talalay.
Re: Closing in on a Purchase - Thoughts and advice needed.
Reply #8 Sep 14, 2010 4:43 PM
Joined: Aug 11, 2010
Points: 33
Thanks Jim


I think I have decided to buy the 2.5" Natural Aerus 5lb and try it on my bed, if for some strange reason I am feeling great it will be temporary solution...or permanent I guess.  Just makes sense to start there and work down from there.  Just have to order it and wait a month or so :(   The joys of living on an island.  Hopefully I can get it from Sam's club, its about $100 cheaper than Amazon.

Re: Closing in on a Purchase - Thoughts and advice needed.
Reply #9 Sep 14, 2010 6:44 PM
Joined: Dec 11, 2009
Points: 113
Search my ID  shovel99 for recent comments on stacks, surgery, various ILD's of latex and Poly foam from

Buy a couple of 1" pieces of each of HD 36 (medium firm) and "supersoft" which you can fold and get a general feel for inches of soft and firm before springing for really expensive memory and latex foams.

As stated eslewhere, they are close to 20 ILD latex and 35 ILD latex you will need in some layers, and less than 30% of the price, or less.

This will let you know you are in the ballpark before spending big bucks.

I had several 2 inch pieces of medim firm dunlop latex which I thought was going to be my "base" and it was hard as a rock.

I ended up with 4 inches of latex and supersoft, none firmer than 20 ILD.  And still very supportive. So beware a really firm base until

you try it.  And 4 inches of latx is going to be $400 or more.


Good luck

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