Apr 4, 2010 9:23 PM
Joined: Apr 4, 2010
Points: 1
So after doing lots of research, we would like to purchase a new air mattress.  We are looking at the Luxor bed by Comfortaire, but we do not have a way to test one here in Columbus OH.  Does anyone use this mattress?  And if so what are your thoughts?  Thanks.
Re: Comfortaire?
Reply #1 Apr 5, 2010 2:44 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Oak244 wrote:

So after doing lots of research, we would like to purchase a new air mattress.  We are looking at the Luxor bed by Comfortaire, but we do not have a way to test one here in Columbus OH.  Does anyone use this mattress?  And if so what are your thoughts?  Thanks.

I didn't want to see your post ignored so I'm just going to say that you should not be surprised if no one answers. In my time here, I don't recall anyone ever mentioning this product. I could be wrong, so hopefully you'll get an answer but you may not if no one here has any experience with hit. Did you try a Search, and look at the Reviews link?

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