Costco Novaform Comfortluxe?
Nov 15, 2007 8:11 PM
Joined: Nov 15, 2007
Points: 157
I was thinking of trying Costco Novaform Comfortluxe mattress a shot when it goes on sale next week. Costco online allows returns (they even pay for the return!), so it is a risk free trial. I read lots of positive comments about this mattress.... but other comments are totally opposite.

Does anyone who weighs 215lbs or so have any problems on the Comfortluxe from Costco?

I am really confused. Some people in that weight range say it supports fine, then I read another post that says if you are over 200lbs you will sink through the mattress entirely.


Re: Costco Novaform Comfortluxe?
Reply #4 Nov 15, 2007 11:23 PM
Joined: Nov 15, 2007
Points: 157
I am looking for a California King.  I think I will need at least 3 layers as well as a base.
$1275 is the starting point for the 8500 model. Which I don't think would be a good one for my size, i likely need the 10000 model which is $1450.

I will also need a base I assume which adds another $450 for the king I guess?

Also, my mistake. Flobeds is the one that gets to close to $3000

This message was modified Nov 15, 2007 by novahelp

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