Costco Pure Comfort Nutratemp topper
Sep 18, 2010 8:04 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
DianeK, or anyone else, have you tried the Nutratemp topper from Costco?  I am not sure of the density, but I think it might not be very high.  3" pretty thick as well. 

I have a 2" piece of old memory foam that I got at Costco (Novaform?), and that seems like it was the best combination of firmness and temperature that I have had.  Unfortanately it is wrong size.   I am going to try that anyway with the 1" of mem-cool I have to see how 3" works for me.  It actually feels pretty good just laying on it. 

I am not totally satisfied with the ones I have from Overstock.  Mem-cool does seems almost too soft, Sensus gets too hot.  

Re: Costco Pure Comfort Nutratemp topper
Reply #3 Sep 18, 2010 2:15 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 404
Thanks Diane, when did you buy it?  Last fall after my husband's surgery and he needed a softer-feeling bed.

How do you know the density?  Costco either had a link or provided contact information for the company making the topper and I emailed them requesting the info.

I am wondering if they have change the way they make it, because I now see that the "Right temp" topper on Costco, which also used nutratremp, is 3.25 density.  I am going to try to contact the company to verify the density.  The website does not say either, but they talk about how density is not as important now with the newer ways of making them.  Sounds like they have reduced the density.  It is possible that it won't matter, or it is possible they are just trying to rationalize a way to make it at a lower cost.  I got a topper from bed-in-a-box before they were offering their current 4 lb density topper.  That one was 3 lb. and they claimed the same as above, that with new manufacturing methods the density wasn't as important.  Hah!  That 3 lb topper was useless, I just sank through it (remember, I'm only 100 lb).  Notice, the topper they are now offering is 4 lb at bed-in-a-box, so obviously density does matter.

 Anyway, I guess it would be returnable.  I might just need to add 1" more to what I have.  I have thought 3" would be too much, but maybe not.  It is possible that the 4lb mem-cool I have softened up and not as supportive now.

At least you sound pretty happy with what they were selling before.  Yes, we are quite happy with the 3" Pure Comfort made with Nutratemp.

p.s. Have you ever tried a featherbed topper?  Only in a mattress showroom and I didn't care for the feeling at all.  Heavier body parts just compressed it and then the feathers just poofed up in other places so that I felt immersed in down.  That is one other thing I am considering.  I have never tried one.

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