Desperately Need Mattress Purchase Help!
Apr 21, 2008 9:49 AM
Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Points: 3
My fiancee and I purchased a King size mattress from The Original Mattress Factory a while back. We've had it replaced twice now and the smell just isn't going away. I've had a sinus infection due to the mattress chemicals, and just cannot sleep on the mattress without having some sort of sinus issues. I can't really even  be in the room with it sometimes for long without it just really bothering me. Most people that have been around here smell it when I've asked them to check, but they aren't finding it to cause issues for them. But, I was living in a home with smokers for the last 15 years of life, so I think now that I'm free my sinuses have a lot of adjusting to do.

Anyways, I've heard that organic mattresses are pretty good, but are pricey, and no way in my area (Charlotte, NC) to find companies that sell them. I was thinking about going back to buying a futon mattress, but I'm kind of lost as to what kind of those to buy as well. Last one we bought was a spring one, but it got uncomfortable fast. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I want to sleep on something comfortable again. I have a lot of back problems from my weight, but also from where I've been having to sleep. Thanks ahead of time!

Re: Desperately Need Mattress Purchase Help!
Reply #4 Apr 22, 2008 6:38 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I did some research on Futons and unless you have a doctor's prescription or the Futon has wool in it or from a site with chemicals added, you will have allergies. Many have polyurethane in them also which outgases. I found a link that had a list of three places with Futons that were were good for allergies. This could be a starting point I know one of the sites had two types of Kings and they sure looked comfortable. Maybe places near you sell Futons and you can discuss with them that you can not have Fire retardant chemicals added and see how they can accomodate you.  Be careful of what the Futon is made out of since they are not all equal.  Good luck.   Please keep us updated an if you find a comfortable Futon that is reasonably priced and free of chemicals that is comfortable to you, please do share for those on this site with allergies.


Futons can be cheaper than mattress/box spring sets. Look for futons made from untreated, certified wood, sold with untreated, organic cotton or PureGrow wool mattresses.

Abundant Earth:, 888-513-2784
Organic Cotton Alternatives:, 888-645-4452
Tonkatinkers Kreations:, 309-837-3150

Re: Desperately Need Mattress Purchase Help!
Reply #5 May 22, 2008 4:22 AM
Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Points: 3
Here's an update:

I went to a local company and found that there are two kinds of fire protection - spray and built-in (as in built-into the materials). The spray-on, she felt, was what was causing the issue because it can have a very strong smell when it is done. As well, my bed was a flipping one so it had it on both sides, so it made it twice as strong. She stated to me that she was going to be having a new mattress by Englander come in, and that I should come by and take a sniff after a week and see if that is any different. I did, and it was a huge difference. It still had some of the mess that I'm allergic to, but by goodness sake it had very little compared to the other mattress we had aired out for a MONTH. So, we eventually went down and ordered one by Englander that was similar and asked them to open it from the bag and let it air out for a week before bringing it in, and they agreed. She was really eager to help out, and just generally helpful. If you live in Charlotte, they are right on University City Blvd in Harrisburg on the right after a few miles. They also own a local company called Baker Built, which has been around for a very long time, and their mattresses are very good as well. They only use the built-in, not the spray. It's always good when you find someone competent. Hope this helps someone!

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