Does 1" of latex make any difference on a mattress?
Dec 30, 2012 2:01 AM
Joined: Nov 7, 2011
Points: 7
Can anyone tell me if 1" of latex is thick enough to make a difference on a mattress?  I've got a pretty firm mattress I've been living with hoping it will soften.   What does 1", 2" and 3" of latex feel like were I to look for a topper to soften it?  It's an innerspring.  Also considering going the all latex route. 
Re: Does 1" of latex make any difference on a mattress?
Reply #1 Dec 30, 2012 4:57 AM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 227
Probably not in my opinion unless it's on top of 2 inches.  I would say you need at least 2" or 3" to get some cushioning.  One inch of soft you would probably sink right through depending on the ILD of course.  Depending on how hard the mattress is, if you are side sleeper, you might need 3 inches, and if you are a back or front sleeper, maybe 2 inches.  I have a one inch of 14 ILD which is soft but not much resistance and merely works to soften the layers of latex underneath.  Just be careful about going too soft in whatever you do.  You can always soften, but it's hard to firm up a too-soft mattress.  JMHO.  Good luck.  After much experimentation, I'm a firm believer in latex and zoning but not sure zoning is necessary for everyone.
Re: Does 1" of latex make any difference on a mattress?
Reply #2 Dec 30, 2012 10:11 AM
Joined: Nov 7, 2011
Points: 7
I didn't understand this part of your reply........"Probably not in my opinion unless it's on top of 2 inches".....did you mean it should be at least 2 inches?

I'm a side sleeper and like more give than what I have now.  Just been putting up with it and decided I need to actually do something about it.  It's not killing me which is why I've not acted before.      Thanks

Re: Does 1" of latex make any difference on a mattress?
Reply #3 Dec 31, 2012 7:16 AM
Joined: Mar 15, 2012
Points: 182
lonnyc wrote:

I didn't understand this part of your reply........"Probably not in my opinion unless it's on top of 2 inches".....did you mean it should be at least 2 inches?


I'm a side sleeper and like more give than what I have now.  Just been putting up with it and decided I need to actually do something about it.  It's not killing me which is why I've not acted before.      Thanks

The top comfort layer should be just thick and soft enough to cradle your body to distribute your weight to the support core layer below (the springs).  An intermediate, progressively firmer transistion layer can allow hip and shoulder to plunge a bit deeper to keep your spine straight when side sleeping.  Decide what your existing comfort layer is... how much is comfort and how much is transistion, if any... and then decide how much more comfort layer you can add to improve cradling without disrupting support.


Re: Does 1" of latex make any difference on a mattress?
Reply #4 Dec 31, 2012 11:27 AM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 227
lonnyc wrote:

I didn't understand this part of your reply........"Probably not in my opinion unless it's on top of 2 inches".....did you mean it should be at least 2 inches?


I'm a side sleeper and like more give than what I have now.  Just been putting up with it and decided I need to actually do something about it.  It's not killing me which is why I've not acted before.      Thanks

As a side sleeper, you are going to need at least 2 inches.  Depending on weight and how soft your current mattress is, you may need 3 or more.  You can always start with 2 and then add 1 inch increments on top within a zippered cover.  I personally would go with 3 inches but I'm sensitive to pressure on my shoulders and hips along with spinal alignment.  Everyone is different.

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