Hi everyone - I posted a question about this in the previous topic about toppers, but I thought it might get buried there. So I thought I'd start a new one since I'm specificaly interested in whether anyone has experience with Oodles products. For a variety of reasons, i need a new mattress topper. I was thinking of getting the 2" latex topper from Overstock.com to see how it worked. But while searching tonight, I ran across these "Oodles" products. (Actually they appear to use the infinity symbol ( I've tested and LOVED shredded latex pillows for the loft and "down alternative" feel. Apparently Oodles makes pillows AND toppers using latex pellets they call 'springs,' and some kind of natural corn fiber???. (I worry about allergies with the corn fibers... I wonder if there is any info on that anywhere...) I was curious if anyone had tried them. I hadn't seen any mention of them, and in fact when I searched the forum - nothing came up. Maybe they're really new? Anyway - Costco has the pillows for around $30.00. And I found a 2" topper online (Sportsmanguide.com ?!?) for around $107 for a King size. It's obviously more expensive than a Cuddlebed, but about $75 less than, say, an ECO topper at Overstock. If anyone has experience with this, I'd love to hear. This message was modified Oct 13, 2009 by SKeeter
Bon-Ton?? |
Yep; see my first post in this thread. The second night with this topper was pretty comfy, overall. I used a different pillow last night (less firm than my usual side-sleeper pillow), and that probably aligned my spine better on this squishy bed. Still just the tiniest twinge in my back this morning, but hardly anything. And no sleeping in this AM -- I woke up around 5:15, either from being cold or from anxiety about work deadlines (or both). I'd prefer to still be testing out this topper on my bed, but I got up at about 5:30 or 5:45. Coffee is brewing downstairs, so I'm gonna go get some and get to work. -Catherine |
Hi Guys - Catherine - so glad you are getting initial good results with your topper. It's very encouraging. My order with Sportsmanguide was cancelled by the supplier, so I have to start over. But now i'm very excited to try it. Generally, a little too cushy for most is perfect for me! I'm at a higher weight, with broad shoulders and wide hips, so my body likes the extra cush so my shoulders and hips sink in. I've been trying a cuddlebed for about a week - and it's nice but not NEARLY cushy enough for me. But then it's just over the firm mattress - no extra latex layers or anything. So I wasn't expecting much. Crossing fingers that Oodles might work for me, and I will report once I've actually gotten one of these in-house to try! SK |
Hopefully someone will try the pillow and report back. I like my soft latex pillow, but perhaps I would like an oodles pillow even more. |
What a drag that your order got canceled. These toppers were so scarce online, I wondered if the manufacturer was discontinuing it. If you like lots of cush, you might just love this topper, so I really hope you can get one to try. I still don't know if it's going to give me enough support in the long run, but I sure am enjoying trying it out. I don't think I've ever slept on anything this soft. And my old mattress was painfully hard the last few years I used it -- I'd wake up quite sore in the last few months I had it -- so this Oodles thing is wonderful to try, whether I keep it or not. Of course, I'm hoping it'll be supportive enough for me to keep it. ![]() And I'm curious about the pillow, too. -Catherine |
Well, this is disappointing, but I'm still waking up with little twinges of back pain that I think are from the Oodles topper. (I don't usually have back pain unless I've been doing hard physical labor or, uh, it's a certain time of the month.) This morning, the twinges are in the middle of my back, or middle-upper part, rather than the lower back. Maybe I'll try a different pillow again tonight. Or put my light fiber-bed back on the bed but try it over the Oodles rather than under it. Hmmmm..... I said before that the topper is baffled (aren't we all... ![]() Maybe the baffle squares are too big and/or the baffle seams are in the wrong place (i.e., right where I'm lying). I seem to be cratering there. I find myself shifting my body left or right so I'm over the poofy part of the topper again instead of sinking down into the seamed area. I don't feel the seams or anything like that -- the topper is under my mattress pad -- it's that the topper is starting to bottom out along those seams. So I'm losing both softness and support. When I'm lying on the poofy part, the topper generally feels both soft & supportive. I'm going to keep experimenting for a while. And if I don't find a setup combo that works (topper, w/ or w/o fiber-bed, over or under fiber-bed, and using various pillows), then rather than return the Oodles topper, I might try doing "topper surgery." I think the idea behind this product is great; not so sure about the execution. The topper depth (at the edge) is 1.75". I wonder if the topper would work better in a shallower depth (maybe an inch), so the latex noodles couldn't spread out quite so much and therefore the topper might not bottom out so much. I wouldn't have the foggiest idea how to create a baffled cover, but I wonder if just taking the Oodles noodles out of the original cotton cover and pouring them into, say, a 1" deep cotton or terry-cloth topper cover, from SleepLikeaBear or some other place, would work. So I'd have the same amount of topper innards, but enclosed in a shallower cover. I'm thinking this might still produce some of that conforming-to-your-shape effect that I'm after, but maybe to a lesser degree and without the bottoming out. Is that making any sense? -Catherine (Am I using "baffle" right? If not, someone please tell me....) |
Hi all - Thanks, Catherine, for your continued narrative of your trials & experimentation with the Oodles topper. I wonder how it will be with a fiber bed over the top... My concern after hearing your report is that the innards seem to shift like badly constructed down comforters - producing empty areas and poofy spots. Usually if the baffles aren't right in that kind of bedding the dispersion of the fill is too subject to gravity, displacement, etc. I wonder if the fiber bed over the top will fix that or just dampen your experience of it... Hmmmmmm.... I did try the Oodles pillow! Unfortunately I didn't like it. ... sigh... I'm a side sleeper and I like some good loft & support. But this was a little too overstuffed. Plus the fill felt lumpy! I could feel the clumps inside and NOT in a good way. It felt like an older clumpy polyfill pilow from day one. So I am going to return it. I do wonder if that bodes ill for the topper - Catherine does it feel lumpy? I DO *mostly* like my Natures Loft pillow though...I got the High Profile Plush for side & back sleepers. I wish it was about 1" loftier - I wonder if I can find a "topper" for it? (Oh god...here we go). Maybe a 1/2" wool padded cover (for a total of 1" when you factor in both sides). Anyone know of such a thing??? I will do some research. It would be worth it since the density, plushness, etc of the latex core is just right. I *should* like it - it cost nearly $70 after shipping (from Costco). But I bet if I get the height right, it's the kind of pillow that will last me a looooooong time. Do you guys ever get the feeling that we are quite a funny group of super-picky bedding connoisseurs? It is amazing how much of a difference a little variance in ILD or thickness of material can make! How does ANYONE sleep out in the world? It must be a sensitivity that only some of us have becuase I know so many people who don't think twice about their bed and can sleep on basically anything... Oh well. I guess we are just *special.* SK This message was modified Oct 2, 2009 by SKeeter
That does seem to be a problem with this topper -- which is too bad, because the idea behind it is good, and the poofy areas really are comfy. It doesn't feel lumpy at all. It just has poofy, comfy areas, and low, smooshed areas. If it's gonna be constructed with baffles, it needs more, smaller baffles, I guess. (Which my fiber bed does have.) That's what I'm wondering too. But I might wait one more night to try it, because I'm tired and don't wanna tear the bed apart and remake it tonight. So maybe tomorrow. If I do experiment, I'll report back. Too bad you didn't like the Oodles pillow. Lumpy, huh? Makes you wonder if the people who make the product ever actually tried it out... Glad to know you (mostly) like your Natures Loft pillow. Until recently, I didn't know there were so many kinds of pillows. Or so many kinds of mattresses and toppers, for that matter. (Cue the Disney song, "It's a Whole New World." Hee.) ![]() Uh... yeah... that's it. ![]() -Catherine Edited to add: Now I'm wondering if I could add some baffles with some hand-sewing. Hmmm.... Oh well. For now, I'm just getting into bed and sleeping on it the way it is. G'night. This message was modified Oct 2, 2009 by Catherine
Yesterday morning I unmade the bed and stared at the Oodles topper for a bit. I think that hand-sewing some baffles in might help even out the poofs and craters, though not as much as if the topper had been constructed better to begin with. Maybe I'll try that at some point; maybe not. I put my light fiber bed on top of the Oodles topper and remade the bed, and slept on it that way last night. I think that having the fiber bed on top of the Oodles topper helps even out the poofs and craters in it. (Both products have elastic skirts that tuck under the mattress and help spread the products out by pulling them to the mattress edges.) I wasn't aware of sinking into any craters last night or of shifting around to find poofier areas. I was also really tired, though, and zonked out pretty well. Since yesterday, I've had a backache from something unrelated to what I'm sleeping on, so for now, I can't tell how well this topper combo is working in that regard. In another day or two, I'll have a better idea. My shoulders felt fine (not crunched), and my hands & arms were not asleep when I woke up this morning, so that's something. SKeeter, if you've already ordered another Oodles topper, you might like it with your CuddleBed on top of it; the combo should provide plenty of cush if this setup takes care of the cratering-at-the-baffles problem. If you haven't ordered it yet, I'm not sure if I'd recommend it. Might depend on how cheap you could get it. -Catherine |
Another good night's sleep with the current topper combo (light fiber bed, on top of Oodles topper, on top of 1" 24ILD Talatech topper, all on top of firm innerspring). No backache this morning (from the bed or other reasons). No crunched shoulders. No limbs asleep when I woke up. Didn't sleep hot, even though I hauled out the comforter last night. (I have the thermostat set to go down to 62F at night, and here in upstate NY, it is getting nippy outside.) Still possible that the current setup will turn out to be a little too soft & cushy (& cause some lower-back pain) -- it's only been a few nights -- but right now, it feels great. I might have a different problem now: getting out of bed in the morning. I might have to go back to setting an alarm clock! SKeeter, let us know what you think about the Oodles topper, if you order it again, or what you try instead, if you don't. -Catherine |