Does latex need a break in period?
May 21, 2011 4:54 AM
Joined: May 10, 2011
Points: 21
I bought a Sleep Options a few weeks ago. I noticed it was firmer than the display model. It has a 3" 20 ILD dunlop layer on top. I tend to be a side and back sleeper and stay in one section on my half of the bed.  I am noticing that in my hip region it's softening much more than other areas of the mattress that I don't sleep on. On the plus side, I don't see even the slightest of indentation forming, as I've seen in previous beds in the past. 

Is this natural and to be expected? 

Re: Does latex need a break in period?
Reply #4 May 22, 2011 8:03 PM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 34

Maybe it's completely in my mind but after sleeping on a latex mattress from FBM for about 10 months I feel like it has softened up a bit. My gf went through 2 mattresses (an airbed and a plush spring mattress) but I now i love sleeping on mine the best.

Like you, when I first got it I thought it was way too firm. So either my body & back got used to it or the latex needed some breaking in.

I have a St Geneve wool mattress protector for breathability, but going back I probably also would have picked up the Costco cuddlebed topper as need2sleep mentioned for some plushness.

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